Chapter 11 [Grand Master (1)]

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As they were heading to see Jean the door from the entrance swung open. They all turned their heads to see a girl with brown hair and some blonde highlights,

"Rin?" Eternal asked, almost disappointed.

"I messed up badly. Second, off these weirdos wouldn't let me in... so..."

"HEY! You can't be in here!" A guard yelled.

"I KNOW. SHUT UP. YOU'VE SAID IT A LOT IT'S GETTING ANNOYING BOZO" Rin yelled back at the guard, in a bad mood.

"What in the heck happened?" Eternal asked, noticing her bad mood.

"Hmph.. I'll tell you later... Andddd- oh, who's this??" Rin then looked at Lisa.

"Ohh! You look like a witch!! That's so cool!! Waitttt," She gasped, "are you?!" she screeched, impressed.

Everyone stared at the girl, a witch? Weird wording I suppose.

"A witch?" Lisa questioned.

"Oh- uh, someone who can..." She put her index finger to her chin, "control magic?--" Rin thought carefully.

Kaeya and Lisa stared at each other while Eternal just looked at Rin and mouthed, "I don't think they know what that is-"

Ah, Fook, I messed up , Rin thought.

"Aha, anyways..." Rin scoffed.

Kaeya then introduced Lisa to Rin, "Lisa, this here is yet another traveler, Eternal's friend, Rin," Lisa looked at Rin for a bit and nodded with a smile on her lips.

"I see, great to meet you, cutie," Lisa cooed.

Rin laughed nervously, "ha.. Yep!"

Eternal pulled Rin by her arm to talk to her, separately, "We're going to go meet someone named Jean, they say they're a 'Grand Master', odd title," Eternal mumbled.

"Ah, alright I guess," They both then walked back to where Kaeya and Lisa were waiting.

*Second ago

Kaeya stared at both Rin and Eternal having a conversation, I wonder what they're talking about.

Lisa interrupted his thoughts, "So those cuties over there are travelers? From where? Hm?" Lisa's tone got a bit harsh, but not too harsh to be noticed.

"They haven't said, yet," He replied looking at Lisa with sharp eyes.

"Keep a close eye on them, Kaeya, they could be spies for all we know, hmmm," Lisa then stopped and smiled at both the girls walking back towards them.

Both the girls turned to each other and then back at Lisa and Kaeya, "So, what exactly does the 'Grand Master' do?" Rin inquired, curiosity visible in her voice.

"Well, Acting Grand Master, Jean, she's filling in for our Grand Master, Varka, he's on an expedition at the moment," Lisa hummed as Kaeya then continued on,

"However, what the Grand Master does is–"

They then arrived to the door where Jean was located, "Well, you'll see,"

They then knocked on the door and heard a, "Come in," and entered.

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