Chapter 13 [We meet again]

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Lisa, giving an actual tour ended up stopping in front of a medium sized girl, with light blonde hair in twin ponytails shading her blue eyes.

"Hello, Barbara!" Lisa greeted her with a slight glance towards the girls.

"Hello Lisa!" She let out a smile, "Travelers" She nodded.

"Heeey..-" Eternal tried to introduce herself but was cut off by Lisa,

"These two are both Eternal and Rin, Travelers from afar." Lisa took a breath. "This is Barbara, a church pop star."

She looks similar to Jean both Eternal and Rin thought. Barbara smiled at them and nodded to Lisa.

"Yup, but I have been really busy lately, It was nice to meet you." Barbara waved as she walked away. Lisa sighed.

"Today wasn't great for her," Lisa paused and looked over to the bard playing music. Rin looked over- Oh great. Now what. It was Venti. Augh! What to do? I don't wanna walk around all day! Rin pouted. Eternal noticed Rin's gaze drift to the bard. Lisa was explaining the importance of the Archon statue before a knight came running up to her.

"Miss Lisa!" He looked nervous. "We found some strange residue, we need you to investigate quickly."

"I'll be right there!" Lisa declared. "Go on without me" She glanced at the girls before running off with the knight. Eternal looked over at Rin and then at the bard she was eyeing down. She let out a shit-eating grin and teased Rin.

"Awwwe you got your eyes on someone?" Eternal punched Rin's shoulder lightly. Rin scoffed and surprisingly didn't approach the bard. Eternal watched her walk away, taking a seat on a nearby bench and letting out a sigh.

"So, why are you in a bad mood?" Eternal called out after her.

"Cause, I made a fool of myself," Rin retreated back to Eternal sadly.

"Is that so?" Eternal patted the seat next to her,

"I tried to talk to the guy who we met at Angel's share over there... It didn't end well." Rin sunk into the bench.

"Huh.." Eternal glanced at the boy in green.

"Don't look! You'll bring attention!" Rin seethed. Eternal let out a low chuckle and leaned back into the bench.

Kaeya watched from the bushes, already finished fighting off the hilicurls and slimes.

As some people walked by they saw Captain Kaeya in the HECKING BUSHES. They passed him, thinking it was something important. A knight then came up to Kaeya and asked if everything was alright, he responded with a simple yes. ((●ˇ∀ˇ●))

Eternal and Rin then continued conversing about random topics that arose.

After a while Kaeya decided to leave, wanting to not bring any more attention to him. He then saw both girls walk away. He then instantly thought of where they could possibly be going at this hour. Good Hunter...

Both girls were hungry and made their order of strange named foods.

"Uhm.. I'll have this and this." Eternal pointed at the menu and Rin nodded in agreement.

"Coming right up!" Sara smiled

As they enjoyed their food Sara came up and told them that someone already paid for their meal.

Both girls were flabbergasted, "Huh? We don't know anyone who would do that..." Rin trailed off. Eternal looked around and saw Kaeya walk up to the table. Being who he is, grabbed a chair and sat down.

"Hello, ladies."

"Did you pay for us?" Eternal asked.

"'Us?' No, only for you." Kaeya grinned.

"Hey!" Rin grumbled. Kaeya let out one of his infectious laughs,

"I'm just joking." Rin frowned. It wasn't funny. Eternal let out a breathy laugh.

"Well, It's getting late," Eternal took a glance to the sky, "It was nice talking to you, but we have to go." Eternal smiled with closed eyes. Kaeya smiled lightly and said his goodbyes.

"Ugh." Rin let out an exasperated sigh.

"Almost there Rin, look there it is!" Eternal pointed to the hotel. They entered and checked into their rooms. Eternal flopped onto her bed, groaning. Rin walked straight to the window and looked up at the Archon Statue. He looked familiar... Rin looked over her shoulder and saw Eternal already washing her face. Before wrapping herself in the blankets. Rin let out a sigh. I'm not tired at all. She frowned. Rin took a glance at Eternal's sleeping figure.

Rin headed towards the door, should she go out? Or should she stay? She hello her breath as if breathing were to wake Eternal. She walked out, outside, by her left. Huh, this isn't too scary... Rin wandered around, looking at the nighttime scenery. The drunkards laughing, the shopkeepers closing shop. Rin breathed in the crisp air. She saw familiar faces, yet didn't say 'hello'. She was thinking of the little boy in green. Rin chuckled when she thought back to her actions. Eheh... That must've looked so dumb... Lost in thought she kept walking, not looking where she was going.

She woke from her daze, looked around, and realized she had walked all the way to the statue of the Anemo Archon. Glancing around her eyes landed on a familiar figure, it was venti. Rin let a grin crawl onto her face as she practically skipped over to say 'hi'. Wait, what am I going to say to him, I have nothing to talk about. Rin stopped dead in her tracks and looked at him a second too long. He turned around and found Rin staring at him. Well, shit-...

"Oh! Hello! We meet again!" Said the over-enthused bard. Rin, still grinning, lost her train of thought. "Wah- ham...yah...ja-" She was flustered? This has never happened to her before, but she loves this feeling. An overwhelming intense feeling of love.

"Uuhhh.. Hellllooooo?" Venti poked her cheeks, in hopes of getting a response. Rin jumped, looked around, and pouted, "Heyyy...." Venti giggled and smushed her cheeks. "You have chubby cheeks!" he let out one of his infamous 'ehe's'. Rin grinned or tried to. Their faces were about 2 feet away, yet to Rin, it felt like inches. She had no idea when he became so important to her. They talked for what felt like minutes but in actuality, was two hours. At one point Rin returned to the hotel, she felt like her heart could just explode


Eternal I love you, thank you for this fluffy moment ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ) I can't write for chez...! Totally wasn't fawking fangirling the whole time *mwah* <3

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