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 He would have never thought he would be ready to die.

Yet as he wrote his brother's name on that piece of paper and attached it to the chain around his neck, he felt safe to depart; everything was being left in great hands.

"What are you writing?" His young brown eyes stared up at him with child-like curiosity; 11 years of wonders he will have shared with him.

The child's body relaxed in comfort as the eldest brushed his golden locks affectionately. "Nothing important," he assured. Even though his usual bright smile was present, it was accompanied by a silent tear that threatened to run down his cheek; every single exchange came along with a bittersweet feeling. He was mentally prepared to go; he knew he would be forced to and that the world would keep on turning without him. Yet, every glance and word was a reminder that he wouldn't be able to see his siblings' growth or his parents' future years painting wrinkles of joy by his eyes. He could almost see himself fading away from all of his family's future memories, feeling those moments slipping away from the tip of his fingers.

That's why he would repeat to himself that everyone would be fine without him, and he would enjoy every single luxury life still had to offer: the feeling of physical contact, every noise and creak, the sensation of his lungs getting filled with air, the smell of wood and trees that seeped in through the cracked window, the softness of his blanket, the way his chest got warm with every hug, and the way his laughter would flow out with pure joy. Even the pain of his wound, the tears he would hide, his weakening heartbeat, and the despair of saying goodbye. Everything that reminded him he not only had lived, but had been alive for all those years and for whatever number of hours, minutes, or seconds he had left. He would make the most of it and had definitely made the most of them.

"Goodnight," he heard the child fight his yawn, "See you in the morning."

"Goodnight, Abe," he wished one last time, uncertain of what the future held for himself but knowing what the boy might face the next morning. Finally, making sure not to do it in a mindless manner, he said: "I love you so much."

Once those words rolled out of his tongue, and there was nothing left unsaid, he sighed in contentment. What a great life he had led; how much sadness, joy, fear, anger, and, most importantly, love he had felt.

Then, one more and final time, he exhaled, all his light and life becoming one with the air as his soul gave its last farewell to the world he called home. 

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