Chapter I: Rules

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  "We shall begin this assembly by welcoming Your Grace King Aldrich I and his wife, Queen Meredith of the Moors," a rather slim figure, dressed in the purple and red shades of the Exspidraco Kingdom, spoke up.

Every single person in the massive crowd bowed down as they walked in, the reason for which they addressed them as "Your Grace" perfectly clear as they entered with glory and poise. Once they were both seated in their thrones, the king's right-hand man, Leopold Ashdown, continued speaking.

"Now, let's greet Your Highness, heir of the throne, Crown Prince Augustus III."

The 18-year-old mirrored his parents' actions, stepping into the large room with determination and elegance. This time, however, the greeting came along with some whispering. He knew what all the mumbling was about and decided to shrug it off; it had been a year since that had started happening, so he was rather used to it.

"Along with him, Prince Gabriel Piers V and Princess Elliana," the remaining part of the family showed up.

Even though the former was older, the 5-year-old girl presented herself much more sophisticatedly. No one was surprised, however; Elliana had been acting royally since she could stand on her own two feet.

After Leopold directed the word to the king, he proceeded to explain the reason for the gathering. Some rather boring political matters were discussed during that hour and a half, along with the large numbers of squires that had become knights in the past year. As the person who was next in line for the crown, Augustus was supposed to be aware of everything that was said during those assemblies but, to be honest, the tiled floor was far more entertaining. There was a phrase, nonetheless, that snapped him out of his boredom, one that spread around a groan of discontent. "As you may know, the Phobrakha Kingdom has recently tamed an Ignismatum, one of the most dangerous species of Fire dragon. We are no longer in advantage with that Element." A bustle began at his words, but he was quick to stop it: "Do not be alarmed, for we have tamed a Hydro Arbitrium, the most powerful dragon in the Water element. Since that kingdom is near the east coast, our creature shall carry the waters of the sea towards it, if we require."

"I have a Hydro Arbitrium called Tsunami. I bet you don't," The 12-year-old boasted to his brother, who replied with a sigh: "Good for you."

"We are not planning on attacking the Phobrakha Kingdom anytime soon; they are powerful, and we do not want to break the peaceful state we are in. But, in case they decide to start a fight, we already know which dragon we shall use. With that in mind, I'm giving an end to this meeting."

"Thank god," Gabriel muttered, just a bit too loudly, earning a slight shove on the shoulder from his brother.

Immediately after its end, Augustus was shoved into the scheduled knight practice, which lasted around two hours; in times of war it would extend greatly but, in the meantime, it was rather short. Though it wasn't his favorite activity, it was much more decent than the meetings regarding the level of entertainment it provided, so it passed rather quickly, especially since he was able to share it with his best friends.

"You got some skills there, Little Prince," Lucas nudged his friend lightly, placing his silver sword back in its place.

"Better than yours?"

"Sure..." a hum escaped his lips; it was way too high to be real.

He rolled his eyes, leaning against a wooden table as he waited for the assigned young man to take his armor; "You are lying,"

"Through my teeth..." He smirked before calling out for Augustus's squire. "Sebastian, where are you, lad? If you have the honor of helping the Crown Prince, you have to, at least, be punctual."

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