Chapter XXXIV: May 19th

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 Many times had Augustus heard the phrase "Time heals all wounds" and, apparently a month wasn't enough to heal either his physical or emotional ones. His arm was still being supported by the bandage that worked as a sling, the scar on his forehead and abdomen were still reddish and tender, and his rib still hurt greatly— but, at least, the purple bruise around it had already faded away. Furthermore, his sleep was still being interrupted almost every night by any type of creak or swish, and the nightmares and guilt still hadn't faded away.

Fortunately, however, the doctor had allowed him to move around, and not just lie in bed all day or "Try to stay rather still"; he was officially allowed to walk around the castle without having his mother's observant eyes on him. That is why, after thirty days of being trapped between the four walls of his bedroom, he most gladly took off, hurrying to find his partner in crime. Of course, she was surprised to find him opening the door to the sewing room.

"Good morning," he beamed as he proudly stood by the doorframe. A lousy attempt was made as he put up an act to not tell Faylinn directly to meet him outside.

Had only the Langdon family members been there, he could have done so without problem; he had already been told about Clarice's knowledge of their situation. However, the other two women in the place made all of them act as if they didn't hold a closer relationship than the prince-servant.

"Good morning, Your Highness," both Elias and Clarice bowed down, while Faylinn simply mouthed a "You're up by yourself" with her curved-up lips.

The prince didn't respond verbally, just directed his grin towards her for a second to acknowledge it, and then continued pretending. "I was wondering if you would deliver my mended coat to the place where you used to do so," he said, a sort of insinuation in his every word as he glanced at the other 18-year-old suggestively.

"We will," the latter replied, understanding that he was actually asking her to meet up at their usual spot to, most probably, go to Mystichut.

"Alright... Make it as soon as possible."

Faylinn slightly tipped her head forwards, "You shan't worry about that. We are looking forward to it."

It wasn't until she felt an elbow on her side that she realized that they were being too obvious; it was way too much eagerness for delivering clothes to be believable. Elias widened his eyes for half a second as Faylinn looked down at him after being nudged. Of course, Augustus noticed the exchange and, before leaving, glanced at the strangers in the room, who didn't seem to have given it too much thought.

After everything he had witnessed in the past few months, the things he shouldn't have but still did see, and the overwhelming terror he felt, he was still appreciative of what surrounded him; being able to be at home, about to spend time with the girl he adored, wasn't something he took for granted now. That is why, as he blocked out everything that haunted his nightmares, he strolled victoriously through the hallways and to the gardens; even though they hadn't won the war—or, at least, not yet— he could feel the triumphant feeling of being back where he belonged.

With his mind placed in that gratitude, he didn't even begin wondering what thoughts were running through the minds of Garret and Lawrence, whose eyes were filled with loathing as they saw him walking by. The shame and embarrassment the prince had put them through— had it been rightfully done or not— was unbearable for a man at that time. They were standing at a crossroads, with two possible options, neither being too beneficial. The first path to follow could have been accepting their wrongdoing and the consequences it held, and leaving the prince be, respecting his powerful position. The second was to reconstruct their honor— or attempt to do it in a way they thought would work— and show Augustus that he couldn't step over them like a pair of bugs. Moved by the spirit of revenge, they chose the last one. "Let's follow him," Garret slyly whispered to his sidekick.

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