Chapter XI: Dragon whisperer

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 They got to the other side of the war.

Faylinn walked carelessly into the library, her step light as she pretended she was casually looking for a book at 8 PM. She went through bookshelves of every kind, waiting for Augustus to pop up on the other side so that she would have to stall for the least time possible. It took a couple of minutes of her exploring the pages of a book on the Catholic Church for the prince to finally appear. He stepped onto the undisclosed area, accompanied by a large cloud of dust and a few spiderwebs from the tunnel. Once he sent a signal to the girl, she approached the guard, whose back was currently facing the royal boy.

"Oh, hello!" She greeted with the most innocent grin she could manage to achieve, "Have you read a lot of these books?"

"Yes, plenty," he replied determinedly, still fixated to that same spot on the floor.

"Do you know where I can find the book I'm looking for?"

"Uh... I will not know unless you describe it to me."

"Ha, right," she giggled awkwardly, "Yes, of course. I sometimes forget that people cannot know what I'm talking about if I don't give some context. It'd just that my thoughts are always running wild and—..." She carried on.

"Wow, her ability to distract is masterful," the prince raised his eyebrows, amused by her incessant babbling but quickly snapped back into the moment, nonetheless, and slowly crept to the dragon bookshelf. The Fire element- Volume one... The Fire element- Volume five... Volume eleven... "God, how many volumes does one element require?" He whispered to himself, shocked to find so many books about the same category.

"It's about Church... Written in prose..." Faylinn continued, leaving a thoughtful pause in the middle and trying to discard the least amount of books with each characteristic, "It names the Christian Values, is that possible?..."

After going through an insane number of books that were probably as straightforward as Faylinn talking to the guard, he found it; The Dragon Encyclopedia of the Exspidraco Kingdom was placed on the shelf in all its glory. His hands took it out with the most delicacy that was humanely possible because, if someone were to find even a single scratch on it, his plan would go downhill.

It was as mystical as he had imagined it. The side of the pages was the most brilliant golden color he had ever seen, and the decorations glistened at the light of the candle. Its name was displayed in a cursive letter in the center of the cover, the first three words being the most prominent of all. On top and under the title was the symbol of their kingdom —a shield with the drawing of a dragon inside— surrounded by two fleurs-de-lis that represented the power and grace of the monarchy (which was a bit arrogant in the man's opinion).

"It should be in that area," the knight pointed at a corner of the library, tired of her constant rambling.

"But it's... It's confusing because... because it-it also includes... dragons! So I don't know where to look for it!"

"Well, I am not a librarian, so I do not know how to solve your conundrum. Now, if you'll excuse me, I should do the hourly raid of—" he sighed, starting to head towards the undisclosed area.


"Excuse me?"

"No, I don't mean 'don't do 'your job, do whatever you want about that..." She tried to play it cool, "But I really need that book; my little brother can't fall asleep without a book, and he really wants this one, and..."

The prince snapped out of his admiring trance at the sudden fright of almost getting caught and started to go through the whole Encyclopedia which was extremely long and wordy. "Eggs... Eggs..." he whispered, searching for that section in the table of contents. Page 237.

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