Chapter IX: Arrows in memoriam

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"I promise you will grow fond of it," a 7-year-old Rainer explained, his arm around his new friend Lucas, who was the same age. The latter was staring at the floor defeatedly after failing at his first knight-training session. "And I think this activity will help," he smiled, handing him his first bow and set of arrows.

The dead twigs on the forest floor snapped underneath his feet as he dashed through the trees. With a leather quiver hanging from his shoulder and a bow in hand, he crouched down behind a fallen log, ready to shoot. 

"Now you have to get your arrow and make sure your hand is stable as you aim at it," he taught, both hiding behind a bush. The prince guided the other's hand with his own, almost like a dance being taught. 

Thumps were heard in his heart while he peeked at the deer that stood in front of him and, as the world slowed down around him, he reached for an arrow.

They could only hear the other's breathing before letting go and watching the fletching split the air as it flew toward the hare.

This was one of Lucas's favorite activities, for sure; the moment when everything went silent to allow the sound of the bolting arrow to be detected made it the best one. It was therapeutic, peaceful in its own way; but maybe it was because of the person it reminded him of. 

The blonde's cheekbone started bleeding after the fletching cut it, yet he didn't mind it; he was too exhilarated to have succeded and too busy receiving a celebratory hug from his new buddy. "You did it, Lou!"

That first battle scar would stay on his face for eternity, attached to its respective memory.

He jumped up with a smirk, sure that he was going to hit the animal. He was wrong, though. Despite the fact that his aim was exceptional, the creature ran away; Edward had hurried to stand in front of it, covering the deer with his shield. There is no need to clarify that Lucas cursed under his breath. "Oh, come on, lad!"

The eldest plucked the shaft from his wooden buckler, saying "We've talked about this, Lucas. You shouldn't kill animals for the mere fact of doing it. We have to let them live so they can reproduce, and we have food when we need it. That's unless..."

"Unless I'm on hunting duty," he continued his phrase sullenly, earning an approving nod from the other.

"That was an outstanding shot anyway," Augustus seemed to suddenly appear, laying his weight against a tree as he watched the scene.

"They are always outstanding... But no one seems to grant that task to us anymore."

"Join the par force hunting team and you'll be able to," the eldest appended, knowing exactly what his answer would be.

"And become a hunter?! No way, I'd rather be a knight..." he took the arrow out of his hand, shoving it in the quiver again, "Although I must admit that it is getting boring. No war, no fights..."

His usual complaint was brought up again, making the other two roll their eyes. They still couldn't understand how he was so eager to battle all the time, especially after what had happened to Rainer. It sounded illogical after going through such tragedy; they would never comprehend it because they didn't share his memories. The sound of swords colliding and arrows dashing through the air made him feel closer to him. Everything he knew, he had learned from Rainer. It was in the moments when he hit his aim that he could almost hear him cheering from behind, calling out his name in celebration; it was his way of traveling back to the better times. And, yes, they would never grasp it but he didn't mind, seeing as it was one of the ways to honor his most special friend.

And, in one way or another, they all did things in memorial of him. Augustus followed his letter and his project, King Aldrich prayed for him, Meredith told stories of him to her daughter, and Edward tried his best to help people because that was how he had met Rainer. And it all depended on the memories and the relationship they had with each other, so Lucas was satisfied with his own methods.

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