Chapter XXIV: A little bit less lonely

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 At least it was daytime when Augustus emerged through the palace doors; even though it was incredibly early, it was not dark outside anymore. Still, it was clear that he wasn't thinking straight and evaluating the risks it involved as he headed towards the servants' headquarters. He hurried through the hallways, sheets of paper rustling in his hands as he desperately attempted to find his friend. He was disproportionately thrilled for the number of hours he had slept.

Faylinn, whose peaceful state of slumber was envied by many, was shoved out of her dream by the prince's strength as he shook her shoulder. The girl had barely opened her eyes when he whispered "God, waking you up covered my weekly effort quotient."

Her eyes widened in panic at the sound of that voice he knew all too well. But it couldn't be real, he really couldn't be that stupid; it must have been scientifically impossible to be so senseless so as to barge into her family's room, looking for her. I apologize for the spoiler, dear reader, but, apparently, it was possible.

Needless to say, she scolded him. Hastily was how she turned before pointing at the door and whisper-shouting: "OUT!"

"Fine, I'll wait outside," he sighed, impatient to tell her the news.

He paced across the hallways with arms crossed, huffing every thirty seconds. The cause of his waiting time was unknown to him, but Faylinn was trying to get ready for the day without waking her whole family up; simultaneously, she had to check whether she was being successful or not.

Although Augustus felt like an eternity had passed by, she had been awfully quick; that's the reason why neither his excitement nor Faylinn's exasperation had died down. As soon as she stepped out, the young man inhaled to start talking, yet the worker was agile enough to immediately shove him into an empty storage room further away. Augustus' confusion was mirrored in his frown, but she wasn't going to explain, she would just let him discover the reason why he was being kidnapped on his own.

"Why was I just—?" he began, being silenced by the isolated room door being slammed close.

"Are you out of your mind?!"

A smug smile was spread across his features, "Probably a bit."

Her eyes rolled as he started looking around the room, inspecting all the bits and pieces that were stored there among the dust.

"God, you think you are so clever," she groaned, "When you are actually insufferable."

"Oh, come on, nothing even happened," he defended himself, fumbling with a small wooden hoop, which he tried to spin around his wrist.

Faylinn grabbed it without even looking, interrupting his fun to keep his attention on her. "It's not about something going wrong, Gus. You have to think some things through," she attempted to explain.

"If you're talking about yesterday, I promise—"

It wasn't as if she had forgotten. The previous night had been awfully long as she had spent hours staring at the ceiling, recalling their proximity, and regretting part of it; whether she was unhappy because of what they had both been about to do or because of their mothers' interruption is uncertain. In another context, she definitely wouldn't have snapped at his attempt to talk about it, yet his cluelessness seemed like a death wish.

"Shut up before I murder you," She muttered through her teeth, holding a doll as if it were a sword.

"With such a deadly weapon? I shall present you as a traitor to the king!" he deadpanned.

"You are a lost cause," she sighed, "Just tell me whatever news you barged into my room to tell me."

"After that disturbing threat?" With his hand on his heart, he acted hurt, teasing her by pretending to read the text on the music sheet again.

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