Chapter XXVI: For years, all along

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Mystichut is a small house in the Natura Island; further away from the royal grounds than the town, but only ten minutes away if one rides a dragon. It is a perfect balance regarding distance, and it is surrounded by the most favorable nature; the many trees on each side cover this hidden gem perfectly. That is the reason why Augustus was not too worried about someone finding it. He could have never found it if it weren't for Stormi, who was most literally trained to deliver him there, so it was most likely that no one would be able to get there without being shown the way. Yet life has a way of surprising people...

The young couple had just been flying back to Mystichut, the thrill of the moment still running through their veins, especially since they could see that supposedly untamable beast merrily following their path. Sharing comments— the most prominent type being jokes directed at Augustus for being completely defeated by the dragon— and getting that sensation of the cool breeze caressing their skin was peaceful. But it didn't last too long.

Just a couple of seconds after landing, the girl noticed it; a metal Cross Pattée on the floor, a pendant that seemed to have fallen off. Without hesitation, she stopped Augustus, squeezing his arm. "Someone is here," she whispered, pointing at the evidence, which was just a couple of feet away from them. Instinctively, Augustus put an arm in front of her and slid his sword off his scabbard as she reached to grab the cross on the floor and put it in her pocket.

Both of their hearts were racing as they slowly approached the door, making sure to stick their bodies as close to the wall as possible. Augustus gulped loudly, hoping that the soft sound of the grass being shuffled against his shoes wouldn't give their presence away, even though he was almost certain that the dragons had done that already. As they walked through the window, Faylinn glanced inside, her eyes scanning every visible corner. "Nothing," she mouthed to the man, not daring to even whisper; clearly, the person inside knew that someone was about to enter. If an attack were to present, they would have probably been at a disadvantage, and they both knew it; perhaps the fact that they might be walking into a trap was what was making their hands clammy, or disrupting their breathing pattern.

The air was hitched in their throats. Not only were their lives at stake, but their reputation too. Faylinn didn't exactly care about herself; if she was found with the Crown Prince, and if all the plans to free the dragons were connected to her, she would be beheaded, hence dead. She was much more worried about her family, who would probably be forever banished, or Augustus who, being royalty, would most definitely not be killed, but would have to either spend life in prison or endure years of judgment and hate. The man, on the other hand, was not only worried about them being found out, but mainly about the girl's wellbeing; the thought of her even getting a scratch knowing that he could have prevented it was already infuriating. That is why he was at the front, holding the sword up in the air like a general leading his men to war; with a kick to the door, the battle started.

He wasn't even able to take in this mysterious man's features as he was punched on the left side of his face, taken completely by surprise. A mixture of shock, fright, and pain shot across his body from his bleeding cheekbone, leading him to lose grip on the sword. Yet, when he fell onto the floor, he met a familiar pair of boots.

Mr. Gander was an old man in the palace who dedicated his life to shoemaking. His boots were known to be of the best quality and, clearly, tailor-made. Since they had fame for being extremely comfortable and fitting like a soft glove, they were very expensive; only royals and knights could afford them.

"For god's bones, have you lost your mind?!" He heard Faylinn shout before she crouched down by his side. "Gus, you are bleeding."

Confirming her statement, he wiped his face, being met by the warm liquid seeping through his fingers. "I'm alright," he assured, blinking the tears away as he started making out the blood in his hand. When he finally managed to see through his watering eyes, they traveled upwards, and there it was; a hand stretched in aid.

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