Chapter XIV: Honor and valor

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 The day had come; the day that would determine if the next months would be filled with war or with peace. The king was standing by his dragon, cape around his neck as he bid his family farewell—meaning he was making sure they wouldn't mess anything up while he was gone.

"Gabriel, do not skip any lessons because you want to ride dragons," his daunting finger pointed at him, to which the boy replied with a short affirmation.

"I won't."

"And Augustus..." He continued, stepping closer; he had a solid two inches on him, so he was towering. Despite this and his attempt to intimidate him out of getting into what he considered trouble, he didn't back down. Trying to imitate his defiant look, he tilted his head upwards, not bothering to talk back.

The king had been getting on his nerves for months now. Without Rainer, the system within the family had started malfunctioning; not only had he lost every positive aspect of his relationship with Gabriel, but he was also under the extremely watchful eye of his father. He had got away with hundreds of far worse things than having conversations with workers but, suddenly, the man had started focusing on his every move.

"Do not do anything I would not do," he muttered harshly, his voice deepening when the word 'not' was emphasized.

His speech was unwavering as he said the words "Yes, Sire"; he knew perfectly well what he was referring to and it made his blood boil. Yes, he would be hanging out with servants during his absence. So, no, he would not be following his orders. And, God, he was going to disobey proudly.

With his fists pressed tight, knuckles turning white, he slowly cracked a forced smile through his clenched jaw saying, "Have a nice trip, Your Grace."

The king continued to say goodbye to his daughter, his favorite child— a status which he didn't seem to mind displaying publicly; Gabriel's glare was deadly when he saw his father place a kiss on her forehead— before giving everyone a short reminder:

"You ought to remember the town visit tomorrow. You shall pass by, salute, make a good impression and leave." He turned to look at the eldest, "No getting into houses and making new acquaintances... Understood?"

Augustus fought the urge to roll his eyes and opted to join the rest of them in saying: "Yes, Sire."

"See you soon, my love," he placed his hand on his wife's cheek, his rough features softening for a second as he gazed at her. "I'll be back in a month," he announced, sitting on the dragon's saddle, "Oh, and, will you order the worker to make a purple cape for me for when I come back?"

Meredith frowned in confusion, "Red makes you look more powerful. You already know that, Aldrich"

"Purple, please, dear."

She sighed, stretching her hand towards him, which he took, "Alright."

And, with that, the dragon's claws were lifted off the ground.

Gabriel stomped away without even glancing back and Augustus followed suit. Elliana, however, stood on her tiptoes, waving vigorously at her father, who was flying away. Meredith giggled at her behavior but quickly picked her up and joined her.

Right as they walked in, the brothers split ways, not intending to speak to each other so as not to end up in yet another fight. Augustus walked towards the armor room to grab a sword, enjoying the calmness of the palace; it was usually packed and loud but, as it was right after midday, everyone was completing their own tasks.

"Look who finally had the dignity to reappear!" Lucas opened his arms widely, glancing at the ceiling as if he were thanking God.

The 18-year-old rolled his eyes, biting back his smile, "Good day to you too, thank you very much."

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