Chapter XXXIX: Realm of the wings

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None of them could really wrap their heads around the situation, for various reasons. Augustus because he still had the raw feeling of seeing his father's whole legacy displayed on a single table, and the fact that he would be able to give something like that to his brother filled his heart. Lucas because, after years of working together with Rain, he was finally finishing his project; he knew he would be extremely proud of him. Faylinn because it was the end of the process of meeting a person who was already gone, and an investigation that had helped her find Gus. And, finally, Gabriel because years of research and a whole secret side of his eldest brother had been summarized to him in twenty minutes; he didn't quite understand why they needed him, but he was glad to be there... He felt part of it like he wasn't being pushed aside.

No label can be put to the unearthly amount of feelings that they were getting all at once, but some hands were fidgeting, some tongues constantly rolling in speedy conversation, and some hearts beating to a rhythm that none had ever heard before. Yet there was something they all could identify as Lucas passed Augustus the leaves, and the prince's trembling fingers placed it on the rock in the center; they were nervous. With no exception, they were all sweating, seeing the immense dragons scattered around them and the emptiness between the rocks as they expected the most powerful creature to show up.

It was like an eternity was passing by; seconds seemed like years and minutes like decades as they stared with great focus. Yet the wait became less terrible the more they sat there, behind the fallen log. The sky was being painted with shades of orange and pink, as the grand sphere of light started hiding behind the horizon. Oh, how glad they were that it took so long for the Ianua-Nexum to appear, for the landscape was majestic; and that memory that would accompany them till their last day alive was going to be even more stunning.

No one dared to talk nor move a single muscle in whatever time they had been expecting for the dragon to appear; if they scared it off, they would miss their chance. It was funny, though, how when they gasped and pointed at the brushstrokes of warm colors being made across the clear sky, it finally happened. If it hadn't been for the blinding glimpse of light that shone for an instant right in front of them, they might have stayed staring in awe at the horizon. Something was sparked inside of them when the dragon appeared so quietly, so peacefully; their hearts skipped a beat, creating a mixture of excitement and tension that grew inside them with every tick of the clock.

They had no idea whether they would have to do something when the creature showed up, or if it would all just follow its course. And, for a second, when the pitch-black dragon smelled the purple heart-shaped leaves, they thought they would have to intervene; Augustus shared a look with Faylinn and Lucas, who both shrugged, equally as confused. They had underrated nature.

Gabriel, who sat between the two men, didn't unglue his eyes from the Ianua-Nexum for a single second. That is why the others felt a tight grip on their arms, nails almost dug into their skin as the blond watched in amazement.

To say they had ever seen something alike would be a lie; the way the whole world seemed to be reduced into glowing colors under the light-consuming darkness of the scales made them all stare in awe. They couldn't seem to get their eyes off of it, the merging shades of luminescence under its skin as it straightened into an empowered posture; the creature was young, smaller than the four with the marks, yet its mission was essential for his whole kind.

It is no new information that dragons are sensitive creatures; they simply know, they can sense it all from miles away. So, even though it made their hearts drum in expectancy, they weren't at all surprised when its head turned in their direction. They seemed to have their own spark too, piercing and determined as they stared back at them; Yellow eyes.

He stood up with confidence, Augustus first, then the rest cautiously mirroring, and when the creature moved forward, they all took a short step back, but not the prince; The dark dragon sent a wave of warmth that washed over them as it breathed, lowering his head just a couple of feet away. So the man stretched his palm, breathing in deeply before placing it on its forehead. A mystical hum was heard coming from its part, as the yellow eyes were slowly closed; that was it. That was their thank you.

His hand was taken ahold of by the woman, who took a step next to him as the blond slid under his arm, standing right in front of him. Lucas stood next to his best friend, a hand placed on his shoulder as they watched the scene unfold. But just before anything happened, the knight leaned slightly forward, and so did Faylinn; he nodded, a half smile on his lips, which she mirrored. Having peace been made, the creature that now stood in the center, right on the carved symbol, let out the mightiest roar, calling for every single dragon around; from the deserted corner of the Viola Isle to the most populated town in the Amica Kingdom, every single one of their kind, trapped or free, broke out of whatever was keeping them on ground. And when the other four joined, standing on their respective spots and communicating with their species, the humans noticed their triangle-shaped pupils; that was them in their wildest and most connected state.

Little by little, the silhouettes started taking over the sky, dashing through stars and clouds, forming dynamic shapes in the sky that took the people's breath away. None of them noticed, but from their eyes flowed tears; it was the realization of the magic in nature that surrounded them, the joy of watching Rainer's project come to life, and the blessed they felt to be able to witness it.

They could have stayed there for hours, admiring the moment in which night and day, the elements, and even life and death joined, merging so they could feel a glimpse of the infinitude and majesty that existence was. Freedom could be breathed in the air as the creatures roared in the sky, spreading the wings that had been stomped on by humans, breaking free from the cruelty of the oppressing society, who had missed the opportunity to understand they were all meant to coexist, to live in harmony and leave aside all kinds of thoughts about superiority and selfishness. For years, they had been forced into a life of slavery, physical pain, and lack of dignity. But that day, when they joined strengths and just a couple of humans understood that everything went beyond them, they were finally free.

As the Ianua-Nexum was lifted into the air, swishing its wings to be hundreds of feet above the ground, nature rioted. The dragon's light didn't last an instant; it spread into a wide and lasting door, being opened by the four on the ground, whose symbols lit up with their respective color. And, when they lowered their heads, the ground shook, the sky broke, and water fell from the sky, all at once as the world returned to its natural order. Being shown the light, the path to follow, the flying creatures finally started going home; one after the other, hundreds and thousands crossing the passage to the Realm of the Wings without looking back. Except for two of them.

Augustus could have recognized them from miles away; Foggy and Stormi. They both landed right in front of him, whining softly, as a way of showing they would miss him. The prince wiped his tears, going over the log to get closer. "Don't worry," he shouted over the noise, "I'm sure we will meet again someday."

And he wrapped one arm around each, feeling their warmth as their chins were placed behind his back and their tails forming a small circle with the three of them in it; their last embrace. "Come on," he nodded determinedly, smiling, "Go home." Faylinn, who saw them tilt their heads down, mirrored them; a small exchange that was enough for closure.

Finally, surrounded by brothers and sisters, they dashed into the air, breaking free from all chains that tied them to the human world, and returning to where they were meant to be.

And right there, right then, as the last creatures of the species disappeared into the dusk, Rainer was there. Now Augustus understood; Everywhere, all at once, he was there. In every dragon that had left, in the ground that stopped shaking, in the rain that stopped pouring, and in every single inch of Nature, which owed its balance to that young man, and in each of them, who had been touched by his life so as to follow the steps he had left.

And now Lucas understood; this was something bigger than him. Rainer hadn't left him alone, and God hadn't ripped him away from it. It all belonged to something greater, a mysterious balance and a purpose. And he hadn't left him alone either; the other three insanely annoying people there, who were tackling him into a hug, kept him company, Edward, his family, and even Meredith, and Elliana were there with him every step of the way.

And Gabriel, as they all cried, huddled into a group hug, felt understood. 

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