Chapter XXXVI: Lost time

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 The Natura Island was fairly unexplored given how close it was to the main land; in less than ten minutes, one could arrive at the territory. The reason behind this unfamiliarity was unknown, even to the king, especially as the many trees and incredible hills came into view. Wherever he turned, his eyes were met by lively green and wandering small animals, glistening lakes with leaping creatures, and vast meadows with galloping wild horses and dashing hares. It was stunning in every way and, all of a sudden, the man regretted not having gone there sooner.

Even though he admitted the scenery was breathtaking, he didn't fully understand why King Merek would wish to attack such territory. That was until he spotted it, a simple house of wood and stone. A small pathway was leading to its door, which was surrounded by scattered lilies, and next to the little construction was a tree, still not fully grown, displaying its vibrant purple heart-shaped leaves. Enthralled by the site, he landed right by it, ready to explore.

Very wearily, he broke the silence: "Is anybody here?" At the lack of response, he proceeded to open the door, never having expected what he would find inside. With the same amazement that Augustus had felt so many months ago when he walked in, Aldrich looked around, being engulfed by the cozy atmosphere. The spring sun entered through the window, tainted by the colored stones that hung from the ceilings, and the completely handcrafted wooden dragons added a creative touch, which the man admired as he inspected them closely. His hand held what was clearly a Glacialbum, tilting it slightly to each side as he took in every perfect detail; it was when he turned it completely around that he noticed an "R" painted onto the bottom, which he caressed with his thumb. A confused yet pleased frown took over his features as the idea crossed his mind.

But it wasn't until he approached the desk that he confirmed his theory. "Property of Crown Prince Rainer I of the Exspidraco kingdom" was written on the first page of the leather notebook that lay on the desk. With no intentions of going through it, he closed it once again with a nostalgic feeling and, above all, one of pure bewilderment.

Yet, among that astonishment hid some regret; he understood that his children were almost like strangers. All those hours spent glued to his desk, signing papers and talking about politics, could have been spent with his children. Whatever free time he had, those moments when he was not absent to family memories, he had mostly wasted it punishing them.

His eldest son had built a whole house, and had spent hours in a barely-touched land, craving wood and painting with utmost detail. Now Augustus was spending time with a woman, whose name he didn't even know, and had apparently followed his brother's step into the same house. "There is a map of the entire kingdom, isn't there? Does it include everything? Every hut in every place?" Augustus had asked months ago; how had it not drawn his attention? And why would he ever think that he had stopped meeting with a girl he wanted to be with just because his father had said so? "This is unacceptable! Not only walking into the kitchen but dressing as a servant?! Cooking bread?!" He remembered the scene, in disbelief that it had been the only measure he ever took.

He hadn't known Rainer enough to realize he had built a house. He didn't know Augustus enough to know that a single punishment wouldn't ever stop him from spending time with someone he loved. He didn't know Gabriel enough to know why he had started forbidding his older brother from calling him his childhood nickname. He didn't know Elliana enough to notice how she would share her family's feelings, even when she didn't fully understand what was happening. And he would never discover any of it if it weren't because he was told.

How much love he must have been missing out on, he thought, if, with the little he knew about them, he would give his life to protect them.

If only he hadn't wasted so many years on senseless affairs and meetings.

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