Chapter XV: Until death do us part

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 There is nothing better than lying down in a warm afternoon, and Augustus and Faylinn were doing just that. He had brought up Ed's engagement to learn that her life-long dream was to attend a wedding. He made his new – and unrealistic – objective to take her to one, the upcoming one, if possible.

"Have you ever been to any?" She asked, knowing that the answer would probably be affirmative.

"Too many."

She gasped lightly, "Tell me what they're like."

He wasn't the biggest fan of these celebrations; they were too long and repetitive and usually of people he didn't even know. Nonetheless, he would paint the most magical picture possible for her because there was no need to crush her dreams.

"Well, first you arrive at the church. There are a hundred people chattering, trying to contain the excitement to see the bride, and the melodious music of the organ and violins fill the background. The men are wearing their best dressing suits, and women are in silky and luxurious dresses, holding their partner's hand as they find their seats."

"What does it smell like?" She asked, her eyes closed as she painted the scene in her mind's eye. Augustus smiled at that gesture and mirrored her.

"Ah, roses. Everywhere you turn, there's a bouquet of white roses irradiating a sweet aroma. But there is also a faint smell of candles, which are illuminating the place from the standing glittering chandeliers that were placed right outside, just for the celebration."

She breathed in deeply and, for a second, she swore she could perceive it; she was no longer wearing a simple and rough tunic, but the softest and most flattering light-purple gown. For a moment, she was there.

"And where is the bride?"

"Oh, the trumpets are heard and now you know she is walking through. You catch a glimpse of the groom and that's when you know if he's marrying for love or just convenience. It's not so common but, this time, it is love and you know it because you can see the tears in his eyes," he turns his head once again, opening his own for a second to look at her, "He feels his heart rush at the sight of her... He had never imagined he would be lucky enough to have her."

"Hers is rushing too, right?"

"He certainly hopes so," he replied, returning to the wedding in his mind.

"She is wearing a light-blue gown, white roses embroidered all around," she added, knowing this was possible because of her mother.

"I can picture that, yes."

"What happens next?"

"Well, she finally arrives at the front and stands on the man's left, holding his hand. Now, the priest can finally start the ceremony. He asks if someone opposes the union of those two people but, luckily, no one objects. A mass is held, one that the couple will never forget, and they exchange vows and rings, reminding the other how much they love them, and making the most important promise of their lives."

"What do they say?"

"I take thee for my lawfully wedded wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part."

She fluttered her eyes open, an unerasable smile invading her features. "Wow... That's beautiful," she whispered, returning to reality which, honestly, at that moment, wasn't so bad.

"It is, actually," he scrunched his eyebrows, admitting to himself that, perhaps, she was right. "Anyway," he stood up, offering his hand to help her up, "I have a surprise for you, which I think you'll like..."

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