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After a successful trip to the store in which they bought more than they needed, the girls returned home to put everything away until the fourth. They put away several red, white, and blue pool floats, all of the apple pie ingredients and decorations, and streamers. Y/n lugged in the big box of fireworks they somehow managed to shove into the back seat of the mustang. Which was a feat in itself. After everything was put away the girls started to clean up the house. Making sure to get rid of all of the remaining cardboard boxes from y/n moving in and any stray take-out containers sitting around the house. Y/n cleans the tile in the house while Hailee vacuums the carpeted areas in the house. With the house clean all that was left to do was decorate the house on the morning of the fourth.

So what do we want to do first this morning?

well if you ask me-

I am asking you.

But I'm talking about the decorating and the Apple pie?

I don't know where your mind went.

Clearly in a different place than what I thought you were going to say.

I swear you say I have my mind in the gutter but you might be worse.

Mmm hmm sure whatever you say.

But I'll ask again what do we want to do first the decorating or the pie?

Why not both?

What? Do you mean you cook while I decorate?


Because I wanted to help cook the apple pie? Also, why are you laughing?

No *giggles* What I meant is we can make the pie and while it bakes we can go ahead and decorate.

Oh, I hadn't thought about it like that.

It's just how I've always done things.


For example, if I'm making a recipe that takes a while and I have something else around the house to do I-

So multitasking.

You could call it that but I just call it using my downtime wisely.

Well then *walks into the kitchen grabbing chef's coat* I'm ready to cook chef.

I.. you.. re.. Ok, I'm coming.

Are you already drooling over me?

All I did was throw on one of your chef's jackets.

Yeah I am is that so wrong?

No it's sweet. Now come on *throws apron at y/n* This pie won't bake itself.

Alright *puts apron on* I'm coming.

So how does one make an apple pie?

Usually, it's pretty easy-

That's not comforting to hear as we get ready to make a recipe 

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