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"Wake up!"

"Hmm?" Naruto slowly opened his eyes and locked eyes with Madara who was in his face. "Uh..."

"Sorry. You just sleep like a stupid rock. It takes forever and this is the fastest way."

"My bad. Why are you waking me so soon?" Looking outside for a second he turned back to Madara. "Sun hasn't even begun to shine yet."

Madara sighed as he sat on the floor beside Naruto. "Father held a meeting last night."

"Oh? See that's why I'm glad to be the youngest. No need to bore myself through such long meetings."

Shaking his head Madara chuckled. "Just because you're the youngest doesn't mean anything. Soon enough you'll have to be present as well."

"Not my responsibility there bro. You're the eldest, that's why you have to be present. Being father's successor and all. Only the other heirs to the other families are needed. I don't fit that bill." Sitting up he noticed Madara's expression seem to falter. "What is it?"

"We've been hired again."

"Ok. Where to?"


"Huh. Their direct neighbors are the Inka right? Don't they not like each other?"

Madara smiled for a moment. "So you've been reading up on our clientele."

"Sometimes. The ones who tend to have quarrels are entertaining. The others don't interest me so much." Naruto said shrugging.

"You like conflict?"

"I don't know. It's entertaining in a way. Besides, it provides us income and our clan gains it's prestige through these clients."

"Yeah well, the roster has been made."

"Will you be going again? What about Izuna? I know he's been on two of the protection tours."

"Yes we'll be going. There's just a problem though. I tried to voice against it I did." Looking away he growled to himself. "Father wouldn't listen though. He's added you to the roster. You'll be coming with us to fight."

"Fight? Isn't it just guarding?"

"Tanza believes Inka is launching an attack. They've hired the Hyuga clan. We were closest to Tanza so they reached out. A battle is inevitable and this could be big for the clan. We've only been having small uneventful jobs as of late. This is the first true use of our clan in months." Sighing Madara looked at Naruto. "You're too young though. The clan doesn't usually have you start until you're eight. Which is why Izuna started this year. Father has apparently decided to disregard this rule and is having you go. You've only turned six!"

"It's not all bad. I get to actually go with you and Izuna."

"No. You shouldn't. This is dangerous Naruto. It's not like those glorified writings you've gone through that make it seem like our victories were easy. We've lost members of our clan during these battles. I don't want to risk losing you or Izuna, the only reason Father says it's fine for you is just because of your talent. Apparently it's a waste to have you stay back."

"What? I'm talented now? I thought father disapproved of me. I mean he only ever seems to be caring or nice to you two." Naruto said looking away. Madara opened his mouth but nothing came out. "Around you guys he'll actually talk. Maybe even laugh a little. All I get is this strict and pain inducing training."

"Your swordsmanship is quite advanced. No one has reached your level as fast as you have. Apparently your growing skills are warranting your early induction to our jobs."

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