What is Leadership?

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A knock at the door broke the silence in the house. Getting up with a slight curiosity, unfamiliar presence. Opening the door revealed a Genin that was recognized. "Hiruzen, correct?"

"Yes, Tobirama-sama." Hiruzen said bowing. "I was wondering if Sensei was here. He left with questions still in the air that I was hoping to have some clarity."

"You can be normal. First off, Naruto is very much someone who doesn't care too much for formality. Secondly, as this is our home, feeling like he's having to be at work even here would probably annoy him leading to him messing with you as much as possible for entertainment."

"Duly noted. Is Sensei available?"

"He was working on something out back, join him if you wish. Dinner will be ready in an hour if you stay that long. Your mother and father were good friends of mine."

"Why don't you two ever come around? He said the same thing when I was assigned to him."

"You weren't assigned, you were chosen by him. The other two, yeah they were assigned." She said leading him through the house. "As for your question, he's someone who tries to bury and avoid the past. He feels guilt as you should already know and for that, can't face her when he feels he failed. He's a different man than he was back then, even still, his habit of avoiding letting go has remained."

"What was Sensei like? Right now it's like he doesn't take much seriously until he does and it's like seeing someone else entirely."

Tobirama hummed. "He's always been quite playful to friend and foe alike. He always poured his energy into fighting or improving some aspect of a technique. He doesn't have the same chakra reserves as most of his clan, let alone trying to compare to mine or elder brother's. His swordsmanship...well your blade will never touch him. There's not a single swordsman that could out duel him. Defeat is something he does not know. The only ones you could say he's had are when taking into account those around him. Falling back for their sake rather than his own."

"If he could win, why not just do so on his own?"

"His stamina is not infinite. He will tire, in that moment he could die. He could take on swarms of enemies alone sure, but an entire army? A country? He'll do serious damage but he wouldn't be able to complete it. I'm not even sure elder brother could either. No one can single-handedly win over a country or war. No matter how strong you become, you're but a single man." Gesturing to the door, she stopped. "He should be out there."

Hiruzen nodded, stepping past and through the door. Looking out into the yard, he saw Naruto cutting up logs. Quirking a brow he moved to be close but still offer space. "Why use an axe when you could use a jutsu?"

"Why walk when there's a jutsu for transportation? Why use a stove when there's a jutsu? Why use a shower when there is jutsu?" Naruto said chopping another log.

"I don't see your point."

"My point, little monkey, is that just because there are jutsu, or we have chakra, does not change the fact that a log must be chopped, that you must cook with a stove or clean with a shower. Cut corners in menial tasks and you'll cut corners in your training. Discipline, is one of the most important qualities one must have." Setting the axe head to the ground, he leaned on it. "Now what brings you by? Certainly you're not here for another lesson."

Hiruzen winced and shook his head. "Not a lesson. I just don't know how I'm to prepare for something I don't know is to come."

Naruto closed his eyes, sighing he set another log up. "When you were in the academy, did you always know what the day would entail?"


"And yet you always were sure to have spare clothes in case of a spar or pt, had your books and writing utensils, lunch or snacks, a set of training weapons. Not knowing if you would spend the day studying or being physical."

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