One Last Time

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There was silence when Madara took Naruto away. Any urges of retaliation in the moment that Naruto was present was snuffed out when the saw him form a chakra skeletal construct of ribs and an arm that grabbed onto their fellow clansmen. It's not like it really would have worked out without that though. Everyone saw first hand how every attack froze inches away from him. Not even an explosion caused any damage. Just how do you take on such an opponent? How was such an opponent even capable of such abilities?

Tobirama had returned to her brother's side who still had been looking where Naruto and Madara once were. "Are you ok, elder brother?"

"Yes...just...I can't believe father would do such a thing...are you...are you ok?" He said looking at her. Despite her face showing nothing, there was something within her eyes that he couldn't quite pinpoint.

"I will. Though, now you're the head of the clan because of Naruto's actions." She said crossing her arms.

"Right..." he said looking up at the gathered clan. "Is everyone ok?" He asked to the members who were looking to him.

"We should kill that bastard! He killed the head, your father." A teen said that was the same age as Hashirama being eight teen.

"Yojidama, that'd be foolish. If you weren't paying attention, Naruto has a strength that you will never come close to." Tobirama said with a level gaze at the teen.

"You had the perfect chance to rid us of him! You walked up to him and hadn't even attempted to take his life."

"What makes you think I'd even wanted to kill him?" She said quirking an eyebrow.

Yojidama stomped to her, grabbing her shoulders. "That's the point! You're to be my wife, he killed your father and yet you did nothing. Did he cast illusion on you? I'll kill him for you!"

"First off, you will let me go." He did so and she stared into his eyes. A sort of amusement sparkling within her eyes. "Second, you can't nor won't. You'll never hold a candle to Naruto's power. On top of that, you'll never be anything like him. You aren't on the righteous path or anything of the sort so quit being so delusional. He's far better a young man than you. I will never marry you, and Butsuma deserved far worse than what he got from Naruto for what he did. Had he not done it, I'd have carried out his execution myself."

Hashirama was totally surprised now. Since when did she know him enough to the point of completely defending him? If it had been Madara who did this, he'd be defending him too, but for her to defend Naruto? That was odd. Though she had a point. For what their father did was unforgivable. It also didn't help that Tobirama was a girl and such a thing definitely hit closer to home.

Yujidama snarled at that. "What was so wrong? Those Uchiha scum deserve to be wiped out. Lord Butsuma should be seen as a hero. I would have done the same."

A couple people stood beside him nodding. Her eyes narrowed at that. "You'd rape a woman who couldn't defend herself?"

"She's with the enemy. It doesn't matter." He looked her up and down. "Though if you'd just let me marry you, I wouldn't be inclined to do such a thing to you. For as familiar you seemed with that Uchiha, perhaps I should beat him numb, then take you in front of him."

"You'll never get to speak of Naruto again..." she said quickly taking out her katana before he could react. "And I'll kill you for that, let alone what you're threatening to me."

Before she could move to kill him, Hashirama pulled her back. "Stop."

"See, even your brother will let me do as I wish." Yojidama said smirking.

Hashirama cast a glare over his shoulder at the Senju. Turning back to Tobirama he took her katana from her hand. "I will take care of this. You just go get some rest."

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