The Great War Begins

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Naruto watched Hashirama being festered over by Mito. This was like watching an eight-year-old going to school for the first time. Did the Hokage have no dignity? Sighing he ran his hand down his face. "I swear, whenever I give your brother credit, he gives me reason to doubt him twice over."

"It's part of his charm." Tobirama said rubbing his back. "Take care of yourself out there. Between the two of us, I wouldn't put it past anyone to try to take out the Hokage."

Naruto smirked as he looked at her. "Tch, who'd actually try? We're the strongest. Just missing you out there and it would really be hilarious for someone to try."

"I'm serious. It's not just you anymore."

Frowning, he nodded slowly. "Either way, I still think that if someone sees the two of us together, that'll stop them. Not like anyone actually has a power we can't deal with."

Tobirama suppressed the wince at that. Truth was, the four other major countries likely did hold power that they couldn't simply handle. "Since my brother only wanted you, it's going to put a lot of strain on you. That's why you're leaving as early as you are so that you may get rest during the trip there. Don't rush things."

"I won't. Not sure if the king of desk jobs would be able to keep up. He's been slacking in his training, and I know it..." He said narrowing his eyes at the back of said man. "Worst case scenario, I am more than adequate in buying him time to escape back to the village."

"And your own plan for extraction?"

"Hmmm, do my thing. Win." He said smirking again then ran his hand in her hair. "I do have that jutsu we've been working on."

"You've never been able to combine it properly. It always gets disrupted."

Giving her a kiss as Hashirama was finally making his way over. "It'll work when it needs to. Besides, I work better under pressure. Plus, I won't miss out on a chance to show off and messing up the combination of Lapse would not be very impressive."

"Well, dear Sister, I will ensure Naruto comes back."

"Dude, I will kick your ass." Naruto said glaring at the laughing Senju.

"Hey, someone's gotta have your back."

"Not your job, Lord Hokage." Naruto smirked and crossed his arms.

"Hmph, you two are going to cause trouble."

"Hey, I'm the Uchiha here. Don't go giving that Uchiha shoulder." Naruto said and began walking away. "Oh, and, best of luck with the kid. Sasuke and Shikazu will take care of things at the house so you just rest."

"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Something you are incapable of."

"Maa maa, I love you too." He said continuing to walk off.

"If you need, Mito is available." Hashirama said getting a simple nod. "I am sorry about the timing of this."

"Can't be helped. It was a possibility when the talks began a month ago. Try to stay out of trouble for once in your life."

Hugging his sister, he ran after Naruto who was really not waiting. Watching the two setting off, she closed her eyes. The trouble they'd find would likely have some major ramifications. Well, if there was nothing else, their combined strength would let them get out of whatever happens.

The two were walking along in relative silence. Naruto's Sharingan being constantly active which made Hashirama wonder. "So it no longer consumes a lot of chakra?"

"Nope. It still burns fast, that never changes."

"But you prefer not using a lot of chakra when you can help it."

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