What Are You?

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So easily is it, that everything becomes twisted. Skewed so differently and breaking at others. Nothing truly is black and white. There is no set path for the belief of freewill, personal choice, only further deepens the belief of the fated way. That all things are an illusion, set in stone as you drift along with vigor that it is reality. What is real? What is fake? Is what you see how things truly are? Led to believe that your sight is true, yet for someone colorblind their world is different. Their reality is different. If such things are existent, then can you say it is absolute?

Closing the book, Naruto stood up to make his way back to the compound. It had been three hours now, any longer and suspicion would arise. Days that had passed became weeks, weeks became months and now he'd experienced three battles. Each one, granting its own challenges, but each carrying their own reward.

Closing his eyes, he formed the ram seal and became a blur. In moments, he stood just outside the compound walls. Creeping along, making not a single sound he travelled along its border. A step came with a rustle, that snapped his gaze down, freezing in position. Arms tensing as he halt all forward movement, his foot slowly lifting back up and going a few more inches forward. The twig entering view, a small gasp releasing on its own as he placed the foot down. Returning to the silent movement along the border, a panel of sheet metal coming into view.

Sliding it gently to the right, he made his way into a tunnel like formation. The slosh of mud beneath his feet and with the sheet metal being slid back in place, he tied it to a post within the tunnel. Now unable to be moved, satisfied with everything in place, there was nothing left to do but continue making his way forward. Each foot sinking into the mud with every step, to be hunched over in a crouch constantly wasn't exactly the most comfortable position to be in. However hasty movements solely for the want or getting out of the position quicker would provide nothing. Nothing good anyways. That small relief being just that, small before the eventual consequence to be brought out. The light at the end of the tunnel was growing anyways, he could wait for the comfort he'd be promised.

It was then that he locked eyes with red ones and he immediately stopped his progress. "Well aren't you getting clever. Using the drainage tunnels for the rain as your means of leaving the walls."

"Madara? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, however I feel I may already know that answer. You're welcome by the way."

Sighing, Naruto made his way completely out. "For what?"

"I covered you with father. Told him you'd been training. It won't be hard for them to realize that you really go off outside the compound Naruto. This excuse will only last so long." Madara said crossing his arms.

"It's not entirely a lie though. I have been training."

Now Madara tilt his head downwards and looked plainly at Naruto. "Training that couldn't be done here?"

Beginning to walk with Madara, he walked on the wall rather than the floor. "I need...space."

"Uh huh. You need to be careful. An enemy could be looking to take you because you're alone. They may torture you to spill any information you hold about us. Then be killed. Is that what you want?"

He shook his head sighing. "Of course not, Madara. But I need to become better, stronger, faster. I'm the youngest out there all the time, I face a disadvantage-"

Reaching out, Madara stopped Naruto. "Then let me train you. Teach you the Sharingan, make you stronger."

"You could." Closing his eyes he hopped down. "But in doing so you'll slow not only yourself, but you'll slow me down."

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