Four Down

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Shaking off his arms, wiping his face, Naruto was shaking his head. Being completely and utterly soaked in blood was a little annoying. Stupid clan of weirdos. Who knew that blood would be used in such a way. They became truly suicidal when the battle hadn't been going too well for them. Sitting down, he looked towards the star covered sky. It was quite a day. Strewn about was around sixty bodies. Most were dead before anything even happened but when they got desperate, it became weird. Weird probably wasn't even the right way of describing it. Getting up with a huff, he smirked. "Finally show yourself, eh? No longer going to hide behind these weaklings?" He said gesturing around to the fallen.

Five Days Earlier

Opening his eyes, Naruto glanced over at the sleeping baby in the crib. He didn't understand all the complaining everyone seemed to have about babies. The little guy didn't even make a sound since he decided to take a nap. Getting up he went into the kitchen and warmed up some rice. standing at the doorway, he looked towards the crib while eating. Just what were you supposed to do with someone so young and physically unable to do anything. Guy just lay there, looks around, sleeps. Sighing he really needed something to happen. This was just too confusing. Maybe when Kagami was like four or something, there would be stuff to do. 

Setting the bowl in the sink, he yawned as he went back to the couch. Lately he was sleeping far more than usual but that was mostly because Hashirama was keeping him village bound. Yune was challenged several times for the position of clan head and each time, the man remained the victor. It managed to impress the Uchiha as the man was missing an arm. Well, it was a debate between being impressed or disappointed. It felt better to just be impressed by Yune's ability despite his inner voice mocking the Inuzuka clan's apparent weakness. To not be able to defeat someone who was hindered in such a way was pitiful. Closing his eyes, he slept once more. When he opened his eyes again, he met the red eyes of Tobirama who was holding their son. 

"You looked comfortable." Nodding he sat up, allowing her to take a seat. Leaning his head back against the cushion, he almost passed out before the boy was grabbing at his shoulder. Eyes moving to meet his the black that he shared with his son, he happened to start a staring contest. "You can talk to him, you know?"

"And not get a response." 

"Then you'll experience what the council deals with when trying to talk to you." 

"I don't get your interest in having civilians serve in a council that we sit through. Of all your ideas, I'm gonna say it now, that one was dumb." 

"We need them to cook, provide clothing and whatnot. The other things that don't involve fighting. It helps them be happy by feeling involved. Not like we actually will give them much exposure to our operations." She said leaning her head on his shoulder.

"If you say so. They are still annoying to listen to. Actually, all the councils are dumb to listen to." 

"If you'd invest yourself in politics, you could run circles around everyone who would try to challenge you." 

Shrugging, he placed his left hand on her thigh. "Not my style. We won't have another one of your hypothetical conversations of if I'd been Hokage. I would probably have disappeared so I wouldn't have to." 

"You'd be able to use your eyes to get things over with faster." 


"And you could even get people to do as you wish with those eyes." 

"You realize that you're naming reasons why I could be untrusted in the political world, right?" 

She smirked. "That's if you were caught. Are you saying that you aren't good enough to get away with it?" 

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