The Acursed Eyes

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The pit absolutely positively sucked. As it sounded it was pit formed to be a prison cell. The walls and floor was mud, a small layer of water would be on the floor. The caged door allowed a breeze to come through. It was freezing to be in at night, your bones felt like they'd snap at the slightest movement. Sleep would evade you from the cold at night and damp nature of the pit. During the duration you're in the pit you weren't fed. So the whole time you are wet, freezing, and hungry. All things that really sucked.

When Naruto was kicked into the pit, his face was bloodied and his body was already aching. Sitting down, he wrapped his arms around his knees. It was always funny, despite Madara also being out of line, only he was punished. He wasn't mad at Madara, it wasn't his fault, still it didn't feel all that great. His mind began wandering, he needed more power. The problem was, just how would he get more? He hadn't created another technique in quite a long while.

Leaning his head back, it rest against the mud wall. Closing his eyes he sighed. At least Madara was spared of losing his friend. Even if it happened to be someone from a clan they were currently fighting against. Eventually, they'd have to fight each other. So what would happen then? He spoke in place of Madara and weird haircut. Saying they know what would be expected on the battlefield, but did they really? Would they be able to fight each other?

Then he thought about what he saw. The girl he'd met was a Senju. She seemed to have the edge over Izuna from the little bit he saw. Though, Izuna hadn't used his Sharingan nor ninjutsu. His swordplay was passable but far from his area of expertise. From his point of view, she seemed very good with her sword. Knowing how to take advantage of positioning. Shaking his head he thought about Madara again. The guy was seeming happier lately, so now that'd likely take a dip.

"Hey, Naruto? You awake?"

Naruto chuckled and smiled up to the cage-like door. "You should know by now I won't be sleeping during my stay here."

"Yeah...I'm sorry that you ended up down here again. You must be hating me right now..."

"Stop that. You wanted to keep your friend safe, right?" Glancing to the side he frowned. "Though I wonder if your friendship could survive. We aren't in a place where such a friendship really would."

"I know...but he made me believe in a dream. It seemed nice." Madara said with a sigh.

"Well, maybe it could happen. Who knows. Either way, you should go before father decides to punish you."

Madara frowned but nodded nonetheless. "Alright, I will see you later."

"No. You're already in some heat. For now it would be best for you to stay away."

Madara nodded slowly and reached through the bars. "Here, it's not much but at least it's something."

Naruto took the bread from him and thanked him. Leaning back, he closed his eyes once more. The less you focus on the cold, the less it really got to you...well that's the hope. Even if that's not how it worked, it was better to believe in something that made things feel a little good, no matter how small, than to just be miserable with none.

After an hour he looked down to his right hand, touching the water. Well that person did say water was soothing...yeah that was total bullshit. It still sucked in there.

The next week, Naruto had been dragged out of the pit and tossed onto the floor. "Here's your sword. We leave in thirty minutes."

Naruto groggily reached for his tanto not saying anything. His clothes were still damp, covered in mud and there would be no time to actually rest. Shakily getting up, he dragged himself through the village. Ramaru was present and pat his shoulder. He stood there weakly, head tilted to the side. Tajima moved to the front, beginning to lead the party. Madara had Izuna at his side as well as another cousin of theirs. This cousin though didn't care much for Naruto but that hadn't mattered. Everybody had their favorites.

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