Chance Encounter

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If you could choose how you'd die, what would it be? Naturally, being eaten probably doesn't make that list. As such, Naruto held in the gulp he wanted to do so much. It took every fiber of his being to not show any hint of fear.

"Nice attempt to hide what you feel...but your eyes betray you, Uchiha brat."

The voice was loud, terrifying. It held a presence like no other. A massive...beast could speak? "You know I'm an Uchiha? How?"

The eyes closed a little, laughing. "The accursed eyes. The eyes that reflect the heart...think that only stands true for the Sharingan?"

"Am I supposed to answer that?"

"I already know the answer. So what brings a young Uchiha brat to my presence?" The figure didn't move any closer but Naruto swore he saw some teeth showing. Was this thing smiling?

"I wouldn't say I sought you out per se...just happened to wind up down here."

"It's been quite a while since I've had human flesh..."

Naruto's eyes flashed into his three tomoed Sharingan. "Sorry to disappoint, but I won't be relegated to mere food!"

"You think you can stop that?"

Naruto then immediately jumped back. In his place, a massive beast hand slammed down. Claws were massive, an orange fur covering it. Holy shit this thing is huge. There was physically no way to outright beat this thing. So bringing out any weapon he had on him was pointless.

"You can speak, we can understand each other. How about we talk this out?" He gasped and blurred away appearing on one of the walls to the ravine. "Now you're not in a talking mood?"

The clawed hand swiped along the wall tearing into it like nothing. Naruto grimaced as he watched this. Things were not going to end well if this prolonged. "Ok look, long time since you've had a human long have you been around? How long ago was it that you've had human contact?"

The hand slammed down, the impact forced a strong force of wind that knocked Naruto into the air. Flipping in the air, his eyes widened seeing the beast practically in his face. Speeding through hand signs he blew out a fireball at the opened mouth of the beast. Giving him time to land he stared into the beast's eyes as it didn't seem to stop it much. It went to come forward and he concentrated as much chakra possible into his eyes.

"Stop!" To his genuine surprise, the beast pulled back and just looked at him. Blurring to get to the top of the snout he collapsed down, laying on his back. Waving his hand he felt the beast regain control of itself. "I'm sorry for doing that, but you left me no choice." The beast only began growling though so he took a few breaths. "I figured you could be like any other living thing, and used these eyes you recognized. Rest assured, I will never control you again. For one and I'm sure you can tell, I don't doubt that you're far more intelligent than you let on but I don't have the power to do anything more than stop you for a brief period of time."


"And...I don't think it's right. Don't get me wrong. I sure do love to battle, to be the best. I want nothing more than to win, that's the goal. To take away your freewill though? That doesn't prove anything. After all, I can't beat you in combat, so to do such a thing as trying to control you, I see as cowardice. It wouldn't be me winning over you."

"So what's your point?"

"You fascinate me big guy. But as I kind of confirmed to myself, perhaps these eyes have potential to take away your freewill. So I won't be telling the clan about you, my brothers have more power than I do. My father, has more power than everyone in the clan. There is a chance they'd seek your power against your will, and if they did that, I would side against them."

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