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The smile on Naruto's face was in full force. Weaving through the oncoming attacks just made him all the happier. It was time to test another theory. He managed to create a freak meteorological event on the first try, so what more? Right now, he felt as he was in the zone. Everything around him was in a state of calmness. Nothing interfering with his thoughts, everything feeling connected. It was like his chakra and its manipulation was as simple and natural as breathing. His eyes kept track of the chakra within his right fist. Waiting for the moment of opening, for the chakra to be in perfect harmony with his movements. The flames that coated the enemy weren't even giving off heat, therefore it must have just been the physical representation of the demon within.

For once, the teleportation jutsu wasn't going to be his means of combat, for now. The issue that was with fighting these Jinchuriki head on was that over time, that corrosive chakra would wear you down, injure you. So, the theory was simple, if corrosive chakra was considered in the terms of metals, then galvanization would be the means of prevention. If corrosive chakra was considered as a substance, then that meant it was similar to that of an acid, it's neutralizing agent would be a base as it decreases the concentration of the acidic substance. Therefore, taking the principles of both instances, creating that shock and destabilization effect would create a neutral relationship. His hand was the metal, the chakra was the morphing and channeled to form a protective layer and at best, neutralize the demonic chakra in the path. Even if for a moment, it was enough to land true blows onto a Jinchuriki. Following through on the theory though wasn't all too simple per se and if he wasn't feeling so attuned with his chakra right now, probably a level of control that was beyond him.

The only drawback now was in the sense that the chakras negate one another, neutralizing the other, so his attack landing was his own level of strength. A facet of his arsenal that was substituted with speed rather than raw power. If it worked though, then someone like Sasuke, Tobirama, Hashirama could use it to the best of its potential. Meaning their chakra control combined with their physical strength would be adequate in creating meaningful damage to a Jinchuriki. Throwing his punch at the man's stomach, he smiled as his eyes watched the theory come to fruition. Pulling back, he chuckled. The scientific method was a method that fit everything, not just science.

"You containers have forced me to learn and adapt in ways I never considered. Thank you for that!" He smiled once more as he lunged forward, preparing a fist at the face of the man. His fist was caught though, and he watched as the chakra was not burning him, just surrounding his chakra. Despite being tossed aside, he was happy. It didn't matter that the fall hurt, that not being the one to set the pace could be a path to defeat, he was just too happy to care about anything else. This is what he wanted. Battles that forced growth, adaptation. To prove why he was the best.

Jumping back as the downward kick cratered the ground, he did the same thing as he did against the hydra, only a little differently. His fist had lightning dancing around then punched the guy in the gut. A bolt of lightning shooting through, quickly pulling back since the chakra was diverted into an outward attack, it no longer would protect him. The man tried to copy his move, punching out, at first Naruto leaned back and only watched as the flames extended out, now actually giving off heat. Smirking at this, he ducked down, chakra surging through his fist as he punched at the kidney. Rotating to be behind the person, kicking him at the center of the back, dropping him.

There was one thing certain, he'd have to savor the next few battles that remained against the demon containers. The ones who held the seven and eight tailed was the most exciting to think about. They were supposed to be the most powerful, therefore should be the hardest challenges. Watching the Jinchuriki get up, he watched the flames grow before shifting to red. Apparently now the tailed beast chakra was fully coming out. "Perhaps it was a sign of being in control, now being more rabid. Does the previous methods still work then?" Bursting forward, Naruto's eyes widened as a fist met him in the chest. Ok, uncontrolled power was more powerful. Funny how that worked out. Just as he regained his footing, he spun around the next strike, ducking a foot that came up to get him. What had just gotten into this guy? A moment ago, he was slow to react. Now though it was like an entirely different person. His eyes showed though that this new speed was tearing the host's muscles in the legs. Being repaired rapidly to accommodate the damage. That was an opening in itself though. The gaps between the muscles tearing and the muscles being repaired was the times he had the best chances of landing meaningful hits.

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