Anbu's Formation

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Hashirama smiled as he looked at the wooden construct in front of him. "That completes it! Now we can avoid the potential war." He said and sat down as the wooden construct sunk into the ground. He left the village a couple weeks ago, leaving the running of it to Naruto. Despite having offered to have taken over for the time being, he wondered how Naruto would do. Getting up he quickly went to return to the hotel that his sister and Shikazu were still at. Sneaking out wasn't easy when Tobirama had placed so many levels of security to keep them safe. Stepping inside he heard someone clear their throat which froze him in place.

"So... care to explain yourself?"

"W-what do you mean, Tobirama?"

"If you went out to cheat, that's on you. Just don't be stupid enough to believe you got past my security without my knowing."


She crossed her arms. "You're my brother. That's your business."

Hashirama nodded slowly then sat against the door. "Well, it wasn't that. I was collecting the gifts to give the other nations."


"I searched to see if there were more of those beasts. I got seven of them, I am going to give them to the other nations for peace."

"Naruto was right about them being taken once figured out...maybe it was good he never said anything? Or maybe he should have and perhaps they'd still be free. There's no guarantees either way...but now he won't be happy." Sighing to herself after thinking she closed her eyes. "So let me get this straight. You found seven others like what you fought, and plan to give them away?"

"Yup! A peace offering!"

"You're a fool. Giving away beings of such power like that? Are you mad?"

Hashirama crossed his arms. "This will prevent war."

She shook her head. "I doubt Naruto would approve. He was mad about you sealing that one, now you've taken the others. Are you actively trying to strain my relationship with him?"

"Huh? What does that have to do with your relationship?"

"We hadn't had sex for quite a while. Now we finally do and now you do this. I swear, if you put him in a poor mood, I will make you suffer. Especially if you just give them off for nothing!"

Hashirama rose an eyebrow. "Uh um...I don't want to hear about the two of you um..."

She glared at him. "Oh? And you think I wanted to hear when you and Mito are going at it?"

"Um uh Hm uh well you see uh. Sorry?" He said lamely to which she sighed.

"You seem committed to doing this. Don't speak a word of this to Naruto. However, if you want my backing should he find out, you will charge them for this. We could at least gain a lot of financial compensation which will help our economy."

"Fine, fine. I'll do as you say. I'd really like to have my freedom from that slave driving torturer. I fear for his recruits, any students he takes...any kids he tries to train."

Tobirama crossed her arms. "He is not so bad. Don't piss me off, and you won't have to find out." She said then went into her room.

"Does Naruto keep trying to mess with me like that because she told him to? Or because that's how he is? I don't know anymore..." Hashirama groaned at the thought then got up to head to bed.

The final piece of paperwork he had signed was actually the contracts with Tajiro and Megumi. He saw no qualms about giving funding for the black ops division. It's not like Naruto's running a militia, so why he thought it would be rejected, he had no idea. After that, was guiding Naruto through his duties since he knew Naruto didn't ever pay attention before. These thoughts only made him wonder how the Uchiha was handling that at the moment.

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