12.- Shifters

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Waking up drenched in cold sweat wasn't something new for Lupita, but waking up with her tail between her legs, claws out, teeth dug into her pillow, and half-conscious in her own mind was not something she often found herself doing.

She growled lowly at her wolf but she didn't make any move to back away from her body. So much for their agreement. Her wolf had a steel grip on the pillow but luckily Lupita managed to get her teeth unstuck and spat out a mouthful of feathers afterward.

The few times this had happened she just waited it out, but that could take hours and Lupita was not fancying the thought of Jazmyn seeing her like this. She had to try and calm her wolf down, but it was difficult since the dream had shaken her up quite a bit too. It was not often she dreamt of that place, but when she did she wasn't the same for days after, the same memories playing over and over in her head.

'Come on, at least give me enough control so we can leave the house,' Lupita tried. Her wolf growled but gave her back mobility and some control of her mind but she kept a firm hold on her in case anything were to happen.

Lupita quickly got out of bed, changed into her old clothes as fast as she could, and ran downstairs where she had left her things the day before. After making sure everything was inside her bag, she wrote a quick note on some discarded paper she found and left the house, her tail still between her legs and her claws damaging the straps on her bag as she held it tightly.

Once at a safe distance from the house, she took off running. She didn't know where but anywhere was good as long as it wasn't close to any houses. She was sure her wolf would take control by force soon.

And she was right.

The second she found a reasonably secluded area and discarded her bag and clothes, her wolf burst out, and not painless. It happened quickly though and the pain didn't last long as she had to focus on fighting her wolf for control. Her argument was, that since she was in wolf form and it wasn't a full moon, she should be in charge and her wolf could come out if she - her wolf - deemed necessary. Her wolf however wanted to be in charge. She was shaken up from the dream and her head turned at every little noise - most of which were made by them - and she wanted to protect them in case they got attacked. It was a hard battle, Lupita trying to calm her wolf down with words and her wolf making it known she was not backing down by letting out loud barks and whimpers.

In the end, they settled for dual control. Lupita would be able to move the body partially and be somewhat conscious in their mind, but her wolf would also be able to move the body and have consciousness. Lupita let her have most of the movement so she would calm down and not feel restricted.

Not much else was done after that. Her wolf refused to lay down and kept pacing the ground, ears twitching at every tiny noise, whether it was made by them or by something else. Lupita couldn't quite blame her though, as she did feel somewhat... watched as they paced the ground.

After a few hours of this, her wolf finally calmed down... a little. It was enough for Lupita to claim back at least part of her body. Though not all as when she shifted she still had her tail, claws, teeth, and somewhat deformed ears while her veins turned dark with the blood of her wolf, though barely noticeable under her now slightly thicker layer of fur.

As soon as Lupita got her body back, it began to ache. One of the downsides of being able to transform before the full moon was, sadly, that you could barely move your body afterward.

"I hate you sometimes," she groaned and got a small huff back as she rolled onto her stomach and crawled over to where she had discarded her clothes. It was painful to put them on, and the aching just got worse once she was done, luckily no one was around so she only put on her underpants and pants. She opted to just lay on her bare back and stare at the clouds passing by, muttering a few of the shapes she saw as the pain still refused to go away. Sometimes she wished her wolf could talk back to her so she could have someone to talk to and have a reasonable conversation for once. She could talk to her, yes, but it would always be guessing based on what she did. Whether it was huffing, growling, whimpering, jumping around in their headspace, or ignoring her.

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