Bike Crash||Mike Wheeler

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Its a normal sunny day in the town of Hawkins. School has just let out and everyone is going home. I walk outside and spot my bike. I walk towards it and unlock the lock on the bike. I stuff the bike chain in my backpack, put up the kickstand, and get on. I pedal fast, oh how I'm ready to get away from this hell. Hawkins Middle is terrible to me. The "populars" piss me off. And its the beginning of a new school year and I still have no friends. But whatever, I'm going home now anyways. I'm lost in thought until I hear a scurry from the bush. I look behind me, not paying attention to the road. And sure enough when I turn around I see a boy in his bike about 1 foot away from me. I don't act fast enough and I collide with him.
• • •
"Holy shit! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I hear. My eyes flutter open and there before me is a brown eyed boy. I sit up and rub the back of my head.
"Yeah, it's all good. And I'm fine," I respond, with a weak smile. The boy stands up and reaches his hand out to me. I take his hand and stand up.
"I'm Mike," He says.
"Nice to meet'cha. I'm Y/N," I say back.
"Nice to meet you Y/N. Again I'm sorry," Mike says, while putting up his kickstand.
"No it's my fault,I wasn't paying attention," I reply, picking up my bike and hopping on.
"Which way are you going?" Mike asks.
"Left," I answer.
"Same," He says. We both start pedaling to our houses while talking.
                                       •   •   •
Turns out Mike and I are neighbors! I don't know how I haven't noticed him before. We exchanged numbers too! Y'know I don't think this school year will be too bad with Mike around.

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