"As if"|| Lucas, Will, Dustin, Max, Mike, Will, Eleven (platonic)

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This is a request. Yeah. Enjoy!
"Heyyyy Y/N! Just over here to ask you if you can join our group," Dustin says, as he blocks me from my locker. This is what happens on a regular daily basis. One of the "outcast group" members come to try to persuade me to become a member of their weird squad. And my answer is always, no.

"As if," I say. I then pause before continuing, "Now, you're blocking my locker, so please move," I say, as nice as possible. I don't want to be rude, it's just that I'm a loner. I don't have friends anymore.

"Pleaseeeee?" Dustin begs.

"Move," I say, a bit sterner this time. Dustin simply sighs in defeat, and walks away. I then open my locker, grab my things, and head to class. Praying that Mike (who I share this period with) won't come up to me and beg me just as Dustin did. I sit down in my usual spot in class, and my nightmare comes true. I see Mike walking up to me. I breathe in, and sigh. Before Mike has the chance to speak, I do.

"What do you want Mike?"

"I-I well uhm. Why won't you join? You should! List reasons why you won't ," says Mike.

"Look, it's nothing personal, I just...don't want friends. They are...unorthodox to say the very least," I answer. Mike gives me a melancholy look, before walking to his seat and sitting down. I can't help but feel bad and but I can't make friends. There is nothing good that comes from friendships. I learned my lesson a long time ago.


I finally reach home after a tiring bike ride. I go to my garage and find that it's already open. Hm, that's odd. Maybe my parents left it open on their way to work this morning. I hope no one broke in. I put my bike in the garage and put the kickstand down. I then enter the house and I hear loud whispering. I freeze right in my tracks. Who the hell is in my house?! I hesitantly walked in, making sure not to make a sound. As I walk deeper into the house, I see Max, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Will, and Eleven in my house.

"Okay, what the hell are you guys doing in my goddamn house?!" I yell. They all turn around and give me the "deer in headlights look."

"We uh, we didn't plan to go inside your house but then we saw that the door was open and well..." Lucas started.

"We broke in," says Max, finishing his sentence.

"What the actual shit?" I say.

"We really want you to become a member of our group," says Will.

"So that justifies you breaking and entering?!" I yell.

"Not exactly," Mike answers. I scoff.

"Look, if I become a member of your stupid group, will you leave my house?" I ask.

"Yes!" They all exclaim.

"Fine, I will. Now leave," I order.

"Wait but one more thing-" says Mike.

"Leave!" I cut him off.

"Okay! We're leaving!" Mike replies.

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