"Uhhh Billy...I'm seeing your step sister."||Billy Hargrove/Max Mayfield

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This was a request. Also Max and Y/N are aged up in this because it'd be awfully weird if Billy was hitting on a minor, or if Y/N had a minor girlfriend when Y/N is 19. Also, you're going to see a soft side of Billy.


Today I'm going over to Max's house. It's not very often that I do, and it's all because of her step brother. He has a small crush on me (and by small I mean huge). He hasn't told me yet though, because he think's that I don't know. All he has ever done is hit on me, and I just let it slide because Max doesn't want me to tell him that she's my girlfriend. But if he tries anything today, I'm not letting it slide.

I'm getting ready to go over to Max's house, when I hear my phone ring. I pick it up.

"Hello! F/N L/N speaking! How may I help you?"

"Hey, it's me Max," I hear.

"Oh, hey Max!" I respond.

"Hey. So, how much longer are you going to take?" Max asks.

"Awww, does somebody miss me?" I tease.

"Shut up," Max answers. I chuckle.

"Look, I'll get there when I get there. Which should be in about 20 minutes," I say.

"Okay. Bye," Max says.

"Bye," I wait until the line goes dead on the other end, before I set down the phone. I get my duffle bag, and I walk downstairs and into the garage, where my car is. I get in and drive to Max's house.


Once I arrive at Max's house, I park in her driveway, and get out of my car. I go up to the porch, and knock on the door. I hear some shuffling inside, and the door opens revealing...oh, great. Just my luck. It's Billy.

"Why hello there," Billy says, while looking me up and down.

"Of course. Life just had to screw me over," I respond. Billy smirks.

"Are you here to see max?" Billy asks.

"Yes, she is," I hear from behind Billy. Thank god, it's Max.

"That means move please and thank you," I say. When Billy doesn't move, I just shove past him. I run up to Max and hug her.

"How come I don't get that kind of treatment?" Billy asks. I don't respond, instead I just enjoy being in Max's embrace.

"Hey, Y/N, I need to...talk to you," Billy says.

"Ooookaayy?" I reply. Max just rolls her eyes. I set my stuff down on the couch, and walk over to Billy.

"Max, go away," Billy orders. Max puts her hands up in defeat and walks away.

"Okay, so, Y/N...this is...hard to say but...I think you're cute and you should go out with me," Billy says. My eyes widen. I almost laugh. But for the sake of Billy's ego, I don't.

I simply say, "Uhhh Billy...I'm seeing your step sister."

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