Inseparable||Max Mayfield/Billy Hargrove

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A/N: Another request! Also this is like a part two to the last chapter. Enjoy!


Ever since Billy found out Max and I are dating, it's been hell. All he'll ever do is try to break us up. It's utterly ridiculous. Even though it makes me quite uncomfortable (since Billy's always there) I find myself at Max's house once again. Max and I were just talking, when we hear a knock  at the door.

"Who is it?" Max asks.

"It's me! Open up," a voice says. I recognize this voice. It's Billy. Offff course.

"Oh god, you're not going to try to hit on me again, are you?" I ask. Billy chuckles.

"Unlock the door and you'll find out," Billy replies. Max gets up, and opens the door, revealing Billy, looking more arrogant than normal today. Ugh.

"What the hell do you want Billy?" Max asks.

"To talk to Y/N. Alone," answers Billy. I sigh. Here we go again.

"Why should I let you?" asks Max.

"Because I'll tell your mom you're gay if you don't," Billy says back. Max just rolls her eyes, and walks out of the room. Billy enters. Immediately I grow bored. Here comes another spiel about how I'm too good for Max and blah, blah. blah.

"What do you want Billy?" I ask, quite clearly annoyed.

"You," Billy answers. I scoff. Billy chuckles.

"Look, I just wanted to tell you, that the only reason Max is your girlfriend is because...she pities you," says Billy. I mentally roll my eyes. No way that's true. Right? No, yeah. It's not. I refuse to believe his bullshit.

"As if. Look, I'm leaving," I say. I get up and go find Max. I know what Billy said isn't true, but there's this lingering feeling that maybe I'm wrong. Once I find Max sitting on the couch, I sit next to her.

"Hey...Max? Billy said you're only dating me out of pity, is this true?" I ask. Max immediately turns her attention to me.

"No. Never! Why the hell would you believe him?! Don't ever think that! Or believe Billy for that matter," says Max. I giggle at the last part. 

"Yeah, you're right," I say. Suddenly Billy walks into the living room.

"Y'know Hargrove, you should just give up," I say.

"Never," Billy answers, smugly. Looks like there's no convincing him.

Stranger Things Preferences and ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon