Missing||Jonathan Byers Part One

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A/N: So this was requested. The way I'm writing this is in the style of a diary. Enjoy!

February 15, 1985,

Steve has gone missing.

He has been for a few days now and it's horrible.

He's one of my best friends. I can't sleep at night because all I can think about is where he could be or what could be happening to him. It's awful. Guilt is eating me up inside. The night it happened we got in a fight, so I left him at a party. Alone. It's all my fault.

I have met someone though. Someone that makes me feel slightly better. Jonathan Byers. He's sweet. He's into photography and he takes candid shots of me a lot. I don't find it weird though. He's quite the outcast. I don't mind. Anyways, he's helping me figure out if anyone did something to Steve. Or if Steve ran away. We do have a few leads. That's it for now. I'll update later.

February 17, 1985,

Jonathan was acting weird today. But it was almost cute. I don't know what's happening to me. Do I really think Jonathan Byers is cute? Anyways, he said something odd to me. I saw he had some red substance on his shirt. So I told him he had ketchup on himself, y'know, cause I assumed it was ketchup. And he just said "oh no, Y/N, that's not ketchup." He had this look on his face, it was like he was concerned, but stern at the same time. I can't really describe it well. And he's been...flirting with me? I don't exactly know what to call it, but it's cute. He's been finding little ways to touch me, or hold my hand. It's adorable, but I feel terrible. I'm falling in love while my best friend could possibly be dead? It seems so wrong. Anyways, I should go now.

February 20, 1985,

We're on to something! Jonathan was just taking random pictures of nature, and he found one that he took with Steve in it. But it wasn't just Steve in that photograph, somebody else was with him. This person was dressed in all black. So I think we're really on to something here. As for Jonathan, he has really been acting strange. I found a bloody hammer in his house the other day, when I was crashing at his place. Along with a shirt, come to think of it, that shirt, it looked like one Steve owned.

February 21, 1985,

No. No no no no. I feel like I'm going crazy. Today I was in the red room. I saw that picture with Steve and the possible culprit. Somebody else was in the red room with me. Her name was Shelly. She went to pick up the picture and I stopped her. I told her that it's Jonathan's picture, and she said that's impossible, because it's hers. I told her that he had just left it in the red room, and that it was his. And she said that it really is her picture. Nothing makes sense anymore. It's all starting to pile up...who is Jonathan? Is he really who I think he is?

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