Joyce Catch-Up

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A/N: request :) 👍

How you met: i feel like the disappearance of Will. you wanted to help her. yuh.

Favorite Song: Jessies Girl. i feel like this makes sense

Who said ily first: you. she made you repeat it. awww

First date: it was generic, you guys just had dinner together.

How much pda: 6/10. not too much, but enough, if that makes sense.

Jealousy scale: 5/10. she trusts you, but if someone is just relentlessly flirting with you, she will do something about it. she'll probably hold your hand.

Favorite thing about you: your smile or your personality.

What they call you: babe or darling perhaps?

Who is more dominant: it's 50/50. sometimes you, sometimes her.

Who ships you two: hopper

What you call her: babe, baby?

Your best friend: murray? i feel like that makes sense

Favorite thing to do together: shop, or sing horribly to karaoke

How long she likes you before confessing: 1 year

Sharing a bed with her: not too bad. cuddles. a little kicking, not very much though.

What kind of couple you guys are: secretive(ish) couple. some people don't even realize you guys are together.

How protective she is: 5/10. meh, not too bad. it's not like to to the point where it's annoying, but she's definitely a little protective.

You guys watch a horror movie together: she's scared and she's cuddling into your arm or something.

Her reaction to you rejecting her: she's preternaturally sweet.

"Oh, that's alright! I understand!" shes actually dying on the inside

Her reaction to you being a good baker: she literally is just asking you to bake for her all the time.

"You...made this!"


"You have to bake more often!"

Favorite video game: N/A. i feel like you guys don't play video games. but if you did, maybe pac-man? idk

Her ruining your date: she tries to get someone else to do it. she feels so good when she succeeds. she feels like she just ended world hunger

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