You Guys Watch a Horror Movie Together

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Mike: He tries to act tough, but really he's terrified. Literally so scared, but he's tying to act like he's not. It's hilarious.

Will: He's petrified, and he knows that you know. So I mean, he doesn't necessarily try to hide how scared he is. Yeah. It should be expected with Will.

Lucas: he's kind've like Mike. Yeah.

Dustin: He's scared. He cuddles up against you and covers his eyes. Lol.

Max: Literally does not care. She laughs at the jump scares. She knows it's fake, so it's not scary to her.

Eleven: She's seen worse, yet she's still a little scared.

Steve: He's a little scared on the inside, but he won't let it show.

Eddie: yeah, he's terrified. He's like Will.

Robin: She's scared and screams whenever there's a jump scare.

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