Chapter 18

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Whattap?! So busy with school and everthing, having a big school production and all. I hope this chapter would be enough. I miss writing :/ Just watched Letters To Juliet and it's just inspriring. You all should watch and if you already have... Watch it again! :D Enjooooy :) xxxxx


Chapter 18

“Got everything ready?” my mom looked at me and saw if I was alright.

“Yup.” I brought out the cheerfulness in me as much as I could. Four days have passed since that “reunion” at the mall. And of course, my mom agreed to the idea of me going away to Cheshire for almost 2 weeks, with that speech of Eleanor and Louis, who could possibly say no? But hey, at least I got to see more of England a bit.

“Aw, honey! Lighten up! I think this is a great thing your friends are doing for you. You need to get out more.” She looked me in the eye and winked. My mother always wanted me to do things that kind of made me feel independent.

“Sure. Yeah, whatever you say.” I said bitterly. The sound of a horn came from outside, which by the way made me jump, signalling that they were all here. Then a knock sounded at the door.

I jerked my thump upstairs. “I’m going to make a last round in my room. You know, make sure I don’t leave anything.” I ran upstairs as quickly as I could, went in my room and sat at the edge of my bed. Fingers running through my wavy and uncombed hair and my feet tapping on the carpet floor, that was how I looked like now. I’m not ready.

I looked out the window and saw two black Range Rovers parked at the side of the road. It’s really going to happen. Deal with it Aly. I took deep breaths, looked in the mirror one last time with a determined look and started going downstairs.

“She’s just upstairs checking if she—Ah, here’s my Aly!” my mom came to me and hugged me. When she was done, more people came. For a solid minute, I was hugging all of them, one by one, bringing with them their own scents. I said my hello’s and hi’s.

“Again, thank you so much Julie! We really appreciate it.” Danielle hugged her and so did Eleanor. The lads were just by the door and looking around the house waiting to leave. I just ignored and pretended that they were just statues.

“No, no! Thank you! Now, off you go! Don’t want to arrive there when it’s dark!” They all said their goodbyes and went outside. I just stood there, feeling awkward.

“Aly.” My mom came to me and hugged me like she never hugged me before. I felt her kiss the top of my head and smoothen my hair. “You take care okay? This will be, and I promise you, a good experience for you. You won’t regret it.” She let go and I looked at her one last time. To be honest, I never tried being away from my mom fore than 3 days. And it’s tough. “Bye Mom. Love you.” I gave her one last peck on the cheek, got my bags and left.


It was going to be a two to three hour drive going to Cheshire. I was in the first Range Rover with Niall, Zayn and Harry while Louis, Eleanor, Liam and Danielle were in the one behind us. I was at the seated at back with Niall and Zayn in front and who else but Harry beside me. The ride so far was kind of quiet. I didn’t really want to start any conversation at the moment. Whenever I’m in a moving vehicle, I just want to look out the window and enjoy the scenery passing by me.

“Should I get another tattoo?” Zayn suddenly said out of the blue.

“Don’t you already have enough?” Niall looked at him innocently. I found myself laughing really hard. They all looked at me with a questioning look.

“Well, well, well. Aly finally came around to her senses.” Harry looked at me with that smirk of his.

“Shut it Styles. At least I found mine.” I faced back to my window.

“There you go again. I’m just only—“

“Only what? You never—“

“I never what? I try my best to—“

“NANDOS!” It became quiet and we all looked at Niall.

“Stop arguing. You guys used to be friends, I mean, you still are.” He looked at both of us. Zayn nodded.

“I both of you to make peace. Now. Go on.” He looked at me pleadingly. Uh, why his eyes? They had a point though. I should be mature about this. I cleared my voice.

“Harry. I’m sorry. Let’s just leave the past where it belongs. What’s done is done. Start over?” I really meant it this time. I gave out a smile and offered my hand out.

He was just analyzing my face and scanning for any joke. When he finally thought what I said was true, he shook my hand. His touch, his hand…

“I would” he looked up from our hands to my hazel brown eyes, “love that.” We both smiled.

“FRIENDSHIP HUG!” Niall shouted.

I glared at him, “Don’t push it.”

“Oh c’mon Aly! Don’t be a chicken!” Harry said childishly. I rolled my eyes and gave in. He wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head at the crook of his neck, liked it belonged there. Yeah, right.

“VICTORY!” Niall and Zayn shouted. And they started singing “We Are The Champions”. Harry soon joined in. Oh, what the heck?  I joined along with them and we sung our hearts out like there was no tomorrow.

“Stop! STOP SINGING! Aly. Welcome to Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. My birthplace, my home, our home!”

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