Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


We were “on set”, as they say in the movie industry. The lads were getting ready to continue shooting for their music video, and I was just there at the side feeling out of place. What am I doing here? I don’t belong in a place like this. At least the crew around me didn’t bother that I was there. Yeah, the awesome powers of being invisible.

“You okay Aly?” Harry says behind me. How does he come out every time when I least expect it?

“Harry. What I’m I doing here?” I sigh.

“You’re here to be part of our music video! Come on Aly! Lighten up!” he tries to cheer me up but I just force a smile for his efforts. He sees that his efforts and charm haven’t worked up to me quite the way he wanted them to.

“You really don’t want to do it, do you?” he says quietly.

I shake my head. “I’m sorry. This is just not my zone. You know?” I tilt my head and look at him. He does look sad but he nods his head and understands.

“It’s alright. We’re not forcing you. I think the producer had some girls lining up for the part anyway...”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be here the whole time. I don’t wanna miss a thing while you guys are still around.” I say putting a smile on my face.

“HARRY! We need you on set right, NOW!” the director screamed his lungs out. Let me tell you, he had a voice.

“That’s my signal.” We both laughed. He, to my surprise, kissed me on the cheek, looked at my eyes one last time with that dimply smile of his and walked away.

I bit my lip and smile to myself like an idiot. What happened to me just being best friends with all the members of One Direction? Guess my feelings got the best of me than I thought it would.


I got to ask her soon. But I need to find the perfect time, and fast.

“Okay, Harry! You have a solo, correct?” the director asks me.

“Okay, so here’s how it goes. Melissa—“introduces Melissa to me and vice versa “—will be here and you’ll be singing to her. Understand?”

“Yup.” I popped the p.

“And, I want you to sing to her, like you’re in love with her. Got it?” he looked sternly at me and I nod my head. Let’s just get this thing over with. Damn, I just wish it was Aly I’d be singing to...

“Okay, let’s do this people! Last scene of the day! Wait! It’s the last take of the entire thing I must say! Oi! You lads! I know you’ve done your part but, keep it down will ya?!” he scolds Louis and Niall for playing around with the fruits and screaming their lungs out together with Zayn and Liam. Oh those idiots.

“Sorry Mr. D!” they all say. I smirk.

I scan around the area looking for Aly. Where is she? Oh well, I don’t think she’d be wanting to see this part...


Okay, I’m going to be honest, I was lost. There were too many trailers parked up, it was like a maze! Guess I’m not going to be seeing the shooting after all. Suddenly I heard two people talking to each other. I think they were part of the crew.

“Did you see them together? Don’t they look so adorable?” the red-haired one said.

“Yep. That’s my sis. I bet after this shoot, they’re both going to end up together!” the blonde one said.

“That would be very interesting. Its Harry Styles anyway, you never know.”

“Well my sister gets what she wants! I mean, we both get anything we want.” Ew, snotty much? The red-haired one didn’t mind the last comment.

“But, I heard that Harry met someone else here. I believe she’s a surfer?”

“A surfer girl? Ew. I don’t think he’d go for her. Besides, all they do is hang out in the beach and catch some waves. I mean, who does that all the time? He’d get bored with her eventually.”

Ouch. That isn’t true, is it? Don’t think like that Aly!

The red-haired one just shrugged her shoulders. “Like I said, you never know. They say he’s a player...”

Okay, my eyes were stinging. I’m not going to shed tears for that. I got to find Harry.


I finally, found the lads, tossing fruit in the air and slicing them with a knife. Yes, while in the air. They never cease to amaze me.

“Aly! You’re here!” Liam whispered and hugs me. “Why are your eyes red?”

“Um, allergy.” I lied.


“Where’s Harry?”

“It’s his part in the video.” Niall says as he jerks a thumb at Harry and girl he looked intently at. So this was the girl that the blonde one was talking about. Yeah, she was way prettier than me, the kind of girl Harry would go for I guess. He was singing to her.

“Baby you light up my world like nobody else,

 The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,

But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell...”

He leaned in closer and so did she. Oh God, I did not want to see this. My eyes started to turn wet.

“Oh right! I forgot something!” I tried to say without them noticing me choke.

“See you later lads.” I said too soon and ran. I ran as fast as my feet would take me.

I ran to the shore line feeling the waves on my feet. There, I let out my tears. Ever since they came around, I’ve been feeling like a weak and more sensitive person. Is this what love does to you?

I guess so. 

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