Chapter 21

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Sorry to have kept you readers waiting. I was waiting for an event or some stimuli to help me think of a next chapter. Hope this would satisfy your minds for now. :)


Chapter 21


I opened my eyes and sooner thought better of it. The moment I opened my eyes, bright white lights hit me straight in the eyes and I groaned.


I just groaned some more. I couldn’t find my voice to answer whoever was talking to me.

“Are you awake?”

“No. I’m as dead as meat.” I say sarcastically.

“Even on a hospital bed, you still manage to fit some sarcasm in there.” I smirked at that, with my eyes still closed.

“Where am I?”

“You’re in Manchester Main Hospital. Hi Aly. I’m Dr. Watson.” My face formed a frown (yes still with my eyes closed), from hearing a different voice from the one I heard earlier. It was a female one.

“Do you mind opening your eyes for me Aly?” she asked kindly.

I nodded my head and slowly, but surely, opened my eyes. It took me time to adjust to the brightness of the room, but I managed. The doctor smiled back at me.

She had blonde hair, (not that dirty blonde look), light blue eyes and was about two inches taller than me. She wore a white coat, the ones doctors use, and had a stethoscope around her neck with a clipboard in her arms.

“Thank you Aly. Now, can you look me in the eye?” I looked at her.

She brought out this kind of flashlight the ones where doctors use to check your eyes.

“Your left,” I turned, “And, your right.” I turned.

“Well, you seem fine. No concussion whatsoever. I think you’ll be out of the hospital in no time!”

“I’m sorry Doc.” I say confused. “Who was talking to me earlier? And, what happened?”

“Right.” She grabbed a stool near her and sat in front of me with this look. I don’t really know if it’s sad or depressed or bored look. Can’t make that out quite yet.

“Well the first answer to your first question was none other than Harry Styles. Of course you know the procedure, no visitors around when the doctor is in checking up on her patient!” I just nod my head.

“And the second answer to your second question. I had feeling you wouldn’t remember what happened last night. Well, as what Mr. Styles has told me, he found you lying on the middle of the road, unconscious.” She looked at me sincerely.

“Oh.” Was all I could say. “Um. I just. Um. Wow.” I say confused.

“I understand you must be confused right now Aly. But I assure you, nothing bad is going to happen. You just need plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids especially water, since one of the causes of you passing out was dehydration.”

“Wait. You said ‘one of the causes’?”

“Yes well. Another one was low-blood circulation. We’re not really sure why but, it’s nothing to worry about. Maybe it was one of those moments of nausea and that sort of thing, hm?” I just look at her blankly. And she stares at me sympathetically and suddenly there was a glint in her eyes but hid it as fast as she thought she did.

“Ms. Blair, can I just call you Aly? Aly. Are you okay? Answer me honestly.” She looked at me with those blue eyes of hers.

“I’m fine.” I blurt out too fast. “I mean, I’m good. Never been better!” That oughta cover up everything. She still looked suspiciously at me then just shook her head, then brought a smile to her face.

“Good. Well, I guess you want to get out of this place, hm? I’ll notify the reception that you’re clear and good to go! Oh and you’re belongings are over there by the table. Some good friends of yours brought them in while you were asleep.” I hugged her. Yeah. Weird right? She didn’t seem surprised though.

“Thank you Dr. Watson.”

“My pleasure Aly.” She smiled at me one last time and went out through the door.

I was sitting up on the bed and that’s when I noticed I had those hospital gowns that patients wear. It felt cool wearing them. Yes I know I’m a weirdo. Guess I can tick that off the bucket list.

I went over to the table and saw my clothes, my important bracelets and of course my phone on top of it. I opened it and saw messages from my mom, Danielle and Eleanor. I didn’t bother opening them, probably to check if I’m alright and out of the hospital and what not.


I headed to the reception area, with my own clothes on, bracelets on my wrists and phone in my back pocket. I should ask for a hospital gown someday…

“Hi. Um—“

“Ms. Blair? Yes, Dr. Watson gave me permission to let you go. And your visitors are waiting in the lounge area by the canteen.” She smiled at me.

“Oh. Thanks very much.” I smile back and walked over to where sign leads to the lounge area.

I swear the minute I step my left foot in the lounge, I was attacked by lads. Not to mention someone smells, can’t tell who.

“I guess you want me back in my hospital bed” I said, almost losing my breath. They all let go. I looked at all of them; they seemed alright, although Harry was the only one who looked like mess.

“It’s to see you alive—“ Niall was about to say until Liam nudged him with his elbow.

“What Niall meant to say was, it’s really good to see you Aly. We’ve missed you.” Liam said.

“Uh… It’s only been a night.”

“Actually, it’s been two nights and three days. Or is that three nights and three days?” Louis said suddenly confused and talking to himself.

“Seriously?” Didn’t expect that.

“Yup.” Zayn said. I looked at Harry again.

“Boy, you look like mess!” I started laughing. I went near him and wrinkled my nose. “You stink.”

“I’m going to—Erm, start the car.” He strode past us.

“Geez, what’s his problem?” I looked at all of them and they just looked down, suddenly thinking that their shoes and the floor really are fascinating stuff.

“Lads?” They all look up.

“Well—“ they all started to say but Louis got to be the first one, “He has been here for the past days waiting for you. We told him he needed to go home and rest. But, he wouldn’t budge.” I stared at him dumbfounded. Oh shit. Wait, what? Since when did I curse? Not the point, Aly! You’ve just managed to hurt someone’s feeling the moment you got better from the hospital. Just great. Whoopeeeeeeeeeee.

“Oh. Um. Well then—I think we should—“

“Get going?” Thank you Liam for saving the day!

“Yeah! Yes! Let’s go!” I say awkwardly. I started going left when I notice no one following me. They all pointed the other direction.

“Yes, well. Right. That way! Come on everybody, we can only go in one direction!” Okay, what the actual fuck Aly? First you start cursing and now you make corny jokes?

They all just snicker and I found myself flanking behind them so I need not to make any more of a fool out of myself. On serious matters, I have a lot of talking to do with Harry. Don’t I always? Sigh.

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