Chapter 22

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I know I haven't wrote in a REALLY LONG time. There's nothing to say really. Here ya go. :)


Chapter 22

Harry was the one driving, meaning, I couldn’t talk to him since I was at the back with Liam and Zayn. I didn’t realize how tired and how hungry I was. Can’t wait to get to the bungalow and have some food in me. I realized though that this, and even though I wasn’t really familiar with this place, I’m sure this wasn’t the way to the bungalow.

“Um. Guys. Where exactly are we going? Not to be a burden, but I’m starving.” I looked at the mirror at the dashboard to see if Harry would answer but he was focused on the road and nothing else.

“Oh. We’re bringing you back to your mum. She’s been worried sick Aly.” Liam said it as a fact. Half of me was happy to be going back home and being in my own room. And half of me is kind of sad to be leaving my mini-holiday so soon.

All I managed to say was, “Oh.”

“Don’t worry Aly. You’re not the only one hungry. Oi ,Harry. Let’s stop by Nando’s and get some grub!” Niall said as if it was do or die. But it seemed that Harry didn’t hear Niall. Awkward silence filled the air for a while.

“Harry. Did ya hear what I said?” Niall asked innocently.

“I heard what you said Niall!” he half screamed then half whispered in the end. Seriously, what was up with this guy?

“Now, now Harry. No need to be harsh.” Liam said. Harry just continued driving as if he never heard Liam. Great. Now I’ll never get any food in me.


“Aly. Aly. Wake up.” No. I don’t want to move. Leave me alone.

“Aly. No use. She won’t move.” I heard shuffling movement. Suddenly I felt arms placed under my legs and back. I tensed at that. No one ever did that to me. Not since—

I opened my eyes and said, “STOP! PUT ME DOWN!” Tears started spilling down my eyes. “I SAID PUT ME DOWN! OR I SWEAR TO GOD I’LL—“ Whoever picked me up placed me down. I turned around and saw Harry standing with the lads in the car.

“Why did you do that?” I stare at him like it’s the obvious thing that you shouldn’t do. Ever.

“You wouldn’t move.” He said, staring at me blankly.

“Oh. I wouldn’t move. Well sorry to be an obstacle in your way of getting what you want. What stunt are you trying to pull? First, you scream at Niall and now you’re trying to— You know what? Why do I even bother.” I started going back to the house but then he grabbed my arm and spun me around.

“What is your problem?” He looks at me with fierceness yet with kindness in his eyes.

“You.” I regretted it the moment I said it. “Me. The world. I just. I don’t know anymore, Harry.” I started shaking. Why am I such a weakling? He wrapped me in his arms and I didn’t object. I just stayed there, feeling blank.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered. “Something’s really wrong with me, I just don’t know what.”

“I’m sorry too. I just got so worried about you ever since I found you on the road. And—“ He placed his thumb on my chin and made me look at him. “I can’t. Ever. Lose you Aly. I just, can’t.” He leaned in and kissed my forehead, somehow I feel better. I hear someone clapping.

I looked behind Harry and saw Louis clapping, walking toward us, with the other lads following. I just stare at them, smile and surprisingly, laughed at them. Harry did too.

“Finally!” Louis suddenly screams.

“Hallelujah!” Niall says looking at the sky.

“Shut up.” I say to them. They then started teasing me, which they know how I hated people teasing me. Harry didn’t mind and just joined them as well. Guys.

“Well we better get going.” Liam says looking at his watch.

“Hey. You’re not leaving without me. That’s my car.” Harry says pointing at the car while his other arm is still wrapped around my waist.

“We know.” Zayn said.

“That’s why we called Paul to for someone to pick us up and bring us to our flats.” Louis said, looking cheeky.

“What was it he said? Was it Tom, Jon or Jacky Boy?” Niall asked them.

“I think it’s Jacky Boy.” Liam said. As if on cue, a black Range Rover drove through the road and stopped right in front of Harry’s car.

“And here he is now!” Zayn says, going towards the car. “See ya Aly!” He goes in.

The driver’s window scrolled down and I saw a man, who I think is around his 30’s-40’s, with black-greyish hair wearing black sunglasses, at the driver’s seat.

“Lads. Let’s go!” He looked awfully familiar. I couldn’t quite figure it out.

“Ha! It’s Tom!” He stuck out his tongue out at Liam and started going to the car. “Later Aly!” He waved without looking back. Liam just rolled his eyes, smiled at me and waved goodbye. I was still staring at the driver until he brought the window back up. Then the horn blared.

“I’m coming!” Louis shouted back at the car. He smiled at both of us and gave us a hug. “May you be a happy couple.” He then ran to the car and we gave them waves, until there’s no sight of the car.

“Hm. It’s getting late.” Harry says looking up at the sky.

“You’re leaving already?!”

He just smirks at me. I push him away from me and went inside the house.

“Aly? Is that you?” I heard footsteps going down the stairs and my mom quickly wrapped me in her arms and kissed me on the head. “Are you alright? What did the doctor say? Have you been drinking?”

“Mum! I’m fine. The doctor’s says I’m good. And, no! Of course not. The lads wouldn’t let me. Not that I would have done it anyway.”

“She’s alright, Julie. Just needs some food and fluids in her system that’s all.” Harry say’s behind me places his hands on my shoulders.

“Right, of course. Would you like to join us for supper Harry?”

“That would be lovely. Thanks Julie!”

“Mum,” I start to say, but think better of it. Oh what the hell? “Do you mind if Harry stays for the night? He hasn’t had a proper rest since he’s been at the hospital as long as I’ve been.”

“Oh. Well of course. But he’ll have to stay in the living room. I’ll ask Alek to lend you some clothes. Supper will be ready in an hour. Aly, why don’t you freshen up in my bathroom, while Harry will use the other one.” We both nod at her and watch her leave.

“So she did want me after all.” Harry says in kind of a sing-song voice.

“After being a twat to you for a couple of times, it’s the least I can do. And plus, you smell.” I wrinkle my nose and start going up the stairs, with him following me.

“Nice view.”

“You’re disgusting.” I lead him to the bathroom. “Wait here, I’ll get the clothes from Alek’s room.” I go to Alek’s room and open his dresser. I just got a big white T-shirt, pair of boxers and a pair of sweatpants. “Here you go.” I shove into Harry. “Now go smell good.” He laughs at me and before I head to the other bathroom, he kisses me on the cheek and locks the door before I can even react. I just stood there staring at the door. What am I doing?

I go to my room get the clothes I need and head over to my mum’s bathroom. The thing I need right now aside from good ‘ole homemade food, is a nice hot shower. I bring my phone with me to blast some tunes out while I take my nice, long, soothing shower.

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