Chapter 20

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CHAPTER 20 ALREADY?! I've made it this far :') This is the chapter I thought of last night. Hope it appetizes your brain! HAHAHA. This is crazzzzzy :) Enjooooooooooooooooy!!


Chapter 20 

I stood up from the lounge chair, looked at their gobsmacked faces one last time and headed off to the porch. This is your chance Harry. Your opportunity.

I entered through the house and went outside the front door and saw Aly sitting down on the stairs staring out onto the dull grass, empty road and at the full moonlit sky. She really liked looking at nature and beyond. I sighed.

“Hey there Drama Queen.”

“Go away.” She always loved to fight with me.

I just placed my hands in the air and backed away, even though she couldn’t see since I was behind her. “Fine, if that’s what you want.” I started going back inside.

“Wait. Come back.” She sighed.

“Knew you couldn’t resist me.” I smirked. She didn’t reply or didn’t have a comeback at all. Huh. That’s unlike her. I sat down beside her on her left and we just kept quiet for a while, staring out onto the ground and concrete.

I bumped my shoulder against hers, smiling. When I got a glimpse of her face, I saw tears streaming down her face.

“Hey, hey. What’s—“

“I’m sorry.” I was taken aback by this. “I’m sorry.” She shut her eyes even tighter that more tears came down her face.

“I keep pushing you away… I guess I am a drama queen.” She smiled a bit but then started pouting and biting her lip. I felt the urge to be there for her and comfort her. Tuck that hazel brown hair of hers behind her ear and just hug and protect her from the world. But, I decided it was best not to.

“Erm… Everybody makes mistakes…” I started.

“Yeah, that’s just it. The world isn’t perfect. People just think that it’s alright to make mistakes and should just forgive and forget.”

“Don’t you believe in that?” I asked innocently.

“Yeah sure. When my dad left—“she looked at me in the eyes now “—it all just happened to fast. My mom told me that he was just scared. Too scared to even take care of his family and live a normal life. HE DIDN’T EVEN THINK ABOUT HOW HIS CHILDREN WOULD REACT! He was just SELFISH and SELF-CENTERED.” Tears really came down like waterworks. She really looked messed up.

“Before he left, when I was just four, I remember him saying that I won’t face the world and the waves it brings alone. He said he would be with me whenever a big wave gets in my way. But, look at me now. Just a stupid, lost and innocent surfer girl. How can you just, forgive and forget that?” She looked at me desperately looking for an answer. A lump was growing in my throat and my eyes getting heavy.

“And then, I met you. I started forgetting. Just living in the present, that’s how I felt. And it felt good. At first I thought you were like my dad, selfish and self-centered. But then, I got to know you more and then, I just—“She looked down and then looked up.

“Life is also when you have regrets. And that’s what I hate. The day when you told me you fell for me. That was a big mistake.”

I just looked at her shocked. I really started feeling that tears where coming out. A mistake?

“A huge mistake.” As if she read my mind.

“A huge mistake for me, more like regret really. I went back out when I ran back inside. Away from you.” I felt a tear coming down on my cheek.

“Of course I fell for you too! I just didn’t want to be all sensitive with my feelings and not put my heart out on the open for it to be crushed again like what my father did. I guess, I was scared. When I came out, and saw that you weren’t there, I knew then that I just made a huge mistake. It’s just like I found a new best friend then losing him in just a flash.”

And I swear at that moment, we both looked so wrecked and lost.

She let out a big breath and went back to staring out onto nothing. Her eyes looked empty.

“It felt good to let that all out before anything happens.” She said quietly.

“Aly. I—I—I don’t know what to say.” My voice cracking.

“There’s nothing for you to say.” She had a weak smile on her face. She started shivering.

“You’re cold.” I state it more than questioning it. She keeps quiet.

“I’m going to go get a blanket.” I ran back inside and I heard her mumble something but didn’t quite catch it. I had a hard time looking for a blanket thinking I couldn’t think straight.

So she fell for me all this time? She loved me all this time? It was all a tough act for her? Can we start again?

All these questions were running through my head really fast. I found a soft blanket and headed back outside.

When I went outside, I found Aly no longer there sitting on the porch. I looked frantically around the front porch and saw her nowhere. Then I saw something from a far.

And that's when I saw, that someone was lying down in the middle of the road, not moving.

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