The Birth Chap.37

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Three days later...

you were currently sitting on the couch as you rested, and Simeon was walking around the apartment as he was looking somewhat distraught, and you were worried

you carefully stood up, "Darling"

Simeon returned to the living room, "are you alright?"

you walked over to him, "I'm okay, but I'm worried about you right now"

"I'm fine my lamb, please don't worry"

you touched his cheek, "Alright If you say so"

Simeon smiled and held your hand, "I'm not stressed at all really, I just have a feeling that It might happen one of these days"

he kissed your hand, "so please don't worry"

"alright, but honey It's not close to my ninth month just yet"

you then went to sit back down, just as Lucky walked over and hopped up onto the couch, he'd grown up more and would soon be full adult dog In a year, you smiled as you gave him a rub and he then rested his head on your lap just as you relaxed again, but then after a while you felt yourself start to get the shakes as you were trembling quite a bit, and you realized that maybe this was your own anxiety that you'd been trying to hide since last night

you took In a deep breath before you let It out, and you started to stop shaking as you then rested your head against the pillow, but then you soon drifted off for a nap and Simeon returned to see you asleep, he smiled gently as he put a blanket over you and kissed your cheek

Luke came over, he whispered "Hey Simeon, when'll the baby come?"

Simeon whispered, "We've been over this Luke, not until next month"

Luke nodded before he went to go pray for your wellbeing, and Simeon did the same as he asked for their father to look out for you, after about another fifteen minutes of sleeping you started to feel a sudden pain come to your lower region, and you Immediately woke up

you placed a hand on your stomach as you slowly sat up, the pain felt like a rubber band In a way and you winced "ow...."

you then realized these must be the practice contractions, but even so you knew It was too early

"Darling! Simeon!" you called

Simeon rushed from the bedroom, "what's the matter, my lamb are you alright!"

"No I'm feeling some small contractions right now...It might be the baby"

he rubbed your back, "!!!!! okay how about we get going to the hospital"

you nodded in agreement, Simeon then went to get your coats and the Hospital bag as you stood up slowly from the couch, and Luke came from his room as he noticed Simeon

"what's going on? Is It time"

Simeon nodded, "Yes, are you coming Luke?"

Luke thought, "I want to! but....I also want to stay here just In case to answer calls"

"alright, I'll probably be able to come back tomorrow please be careful"

"Okay! you too!" said Luke 

Simeon put his coat on and came to help you with yours, and instead of taking the car Simeon thought It'd be faster to use his powers to get you there, so he channeled his powers and transported you both outside of the nearby hospital, walking inside with you to reception 

"Hello, welcome how may I help you?"

Simeon started, "my wife is eight months pregnant, she's been having small contractions for a bit"

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