Chapter 1 The return of Mesagog & bumping into Virginia

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One day I was working with Tommy on something when all of a sudden our lab got attacked.

When we got to the cliff Tommy said that we weren't in a good position. "Tommy, we have to jump!" I said. "But we'll be killed." Tommy said. I looked behind me to see the island exploding. "And we'll be killed if we don't." I said. I pushed him over the cliff before jumping myself. We watched as the island exploded in front of us. A week later I was talking to John about what happened. "So, let me get this straight. You were working on something with Tommy Oliver when the lab was attacked?" John asked. "Yeah." I said. "But who would be crazy enough to do that?" John asked. "I think it might be Mesagog." I said. "But Ariel, Mesagog died years ago." John said. "Yeah, but he's back now. And I mean back from the dead." I said. "How could he have done that?" John asked. "I'm not sure." I said. "Well, if you find out anything about that tell me before anyone else." John said. "Okay." I said. The next morning I was eating breakfast when my dad asked me if I wanted more milk. "Yeah, don't worry. I got it." I said as I finished my cereal and took my cup out to the kitchen to get another glass of milk. "Whoa, that was fast. You must be in a good mood today." Mike said. "Are you kidding? Good is an understatement for how I really feel." I said. Then I took my bowl and cup to the kitchen and put them in the sink. "You're probably just excited to see John again. Aren't you?" Mike asked. "What? Don't be ridiculous. You're forgetting Kira and Brianna too." I said. "Oh, yeah. Your two best friends." Mike said. "Yeah, and John too." I said. "And you're not worried about the science test?" Mike asked. "Nope. I studied all week." I said as I started to walk out. "And if I fail that's only another reason to try harder on the next one." I said. "But Ariel." Mike said. "What dad? What are you so worried about?" I asked. "I'm worried that I'll have to make another trip to your school if you forget your backpack." Mike said. "Oh yeah, that would have been a disaster." I said as I walked over to my backpack and put it on my back. "Thanks dad, your a lifesaver. See you after school." I said. After I walked out my dad noticed that I forgot to feed the cat. I walked out and John was outside my house waiting for me. "May I mistress?" John asked. "May you what master?" I asked. "May I accompany you on your way to the building of education?" (Aka: school) John asked. "Yes you may master." I said. We walked to school together and we talked to each other the whole way there. When we got to the school John remembered that he was supposed to meet up with Ryan to discuss a presentation they had to do for their history class. "Oh shoot. I was supposed to meet with Ryan earlier to discuss our presentation on the history of Big Ben." John said. "Well I see him right over there. I guess now is better than later. I'm going to meet up with the girls anyway." I said. "I'm so nervous." John said. "You know what helped me? I just looked at one person in the class that I knew really well. That always helps." I said. "Thanks for the advice, and good pep talk." John said before walking over to Ryan. I walked over to Brianna and Kira. "Kira, Bri." I said as I walked up to them. "Hey Ariel." Kira said. "How was your weekend?" Brianna said. "It was crazy, spent the whole weekend studying for the science test. How about you guys?" I asked. "I had a performance at Hayley's cyberspace cafe." Kira said. "Oh man, I promised you that I would be there but then I got sidetracked." I said. "Hey, don't worry about it. You had a good reason for not coming." Kira said. "Yeah, I know." I said. "I just did homework like you." Bri said. "You guys want to go see sonic the hedgehog 3 this upcoming weekend?" I asked. "Sure, I'm down." Bri said. "Yeah, that would be awesome." Kira said. "Sweet. I'll be right back. Dr. Oliver is going to freak out if I don't bring my science textbook." I said. "I don't think he'll mind that much. I mean, you are his favorite student." Kira said. I just ignored her and went to my locker. Then I turned to walk back over to them when I bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry I--" I started when the person I bumped into turned to face me. I immediately realized that it was Virginia. Then the day I broke off the friendship with her came back to me. (Flashback: George was joking with Ariel but he sounded serious and Ariel was about to shut down and Virginia didn't even try to stop him. Ariel left the call after throwing her phone across the room and blocked her on everything. She even blocked Joe and George. She even went as far as to unfriend them on wizard101. End of flashback) I started to hyperventilate. I walked away from her at a fast pace. Bri noticed that something happened. "Hey, are you okay?" Brianna said. "Uh, yeah. Let's get to science class." I said. We walked into science class and I went to go sit next to John. "There's my sexy mistress." John said. "Shut it, you made me blush." I said. 🥰 "Okay guys, settle down. Take your seats please. As you heard prior we are having a test today. This will be an open book test so feel free to use any notes you might have taken during class. And you can use your textbooks too. When you are done bring your tests up to my desk for me to grade." Tommy said before there was a knock at the door. Tommy answered the door. "Hello, can I help you?" Tommy asked. "Yes, I was enrolled for this class but it was already full until now when a seat just opened." Virginia said. "She sounds so familiar. If Dr. Oliver would move out of the way I could find out who it is." I said to myself. "Well, everything seems to be in order so you can grab the empty seat in the back." Tommy said. "Okay, thank you so much." Virginia said before walking in. I couldn't believe that she was in science class with me. That's when I finally got another flashback. (Flashback: Ariel and Virginia just finished fourth grade and they got their schedules for fifth grade.
Young Virginia: Hey Ariel. I just got my schedule. Did you get yours?
Young Ariel: Yep. Let's see if we have any classes together.
Young Virginia: Okay, first period science.
Young Ariel: No, first period art. How about fifth period gym?
Young Virginia: Me too.
Young Ariel: Really?
Young Virginia: Yeah, with Mrs. Brown.
Young Ariel: Aw, I have Mr. Wildrick for gym. Are we just destint to never have classes together?
Young Virginia: The system's rigged. I can already tell that middle school is going to be the worst four years of our lives.
Young Ariel: Well, there's one thing I'm sure of Virginia. There's got to be at least one year up until our high school graduation where we'll have classes together.
Young Virginia: Besides we'll still be able to see each other at recess and at lunch.
Young Ariel: And maybe we can hang out over the weekends. You know what, with you by my side we make an unstoppable team.
Young Virginia: Agreed. You can trust me with any secret.
Young Ariel: Promise?
Young Virginia: Pinky promise.
Young Ariel: Then you can trust me too.
Then they hug each other. End of flashback) "Of all the gears the forces of us spelled backwards decided to put us together, it had to be now?" I asked myself. "Hey Ariel." Virginia said as she walked past me. "Did... did she just...?" I asked myself. I looked through my bag for my pencils but I couldn't find them. "Oh man, I forgot to bring my pencils." I said. "No worries, I have a spare one for you to use." John said as he handed his spare pencil to me. "Thanks." I said. Then we got started with our test. When I was done I took the test up to Dr. Oliver's desk and as I was grabbing some extra binder paper Virginia touched the paper at the same time I did. She pulled her hand away and I took some of the paper back to my desk.

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