Chapter 4 Virginia makes up for her mistakes

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I continued without letting John get a word in. "You really think this is about the audition? If so, you obviously have no idea what I've been through! First Kira and Bri, and now you too? I'm so sick of everyone lying to me!" I said. "Your friends, what did they do?" John asked. "Don't try to dodge their real reason why I'm upset right now. I know you're flat out lying about us just like Virginia lied about our friendship!" I said. "Virginia Rose McKinney?" John asked. "Oh, so you know who she is? I guess that's no surprise since you two were hugging in secret like some Shakespearean star-crossed relationship." I said. "What? I'm not in a relationship with Virginia." John said. "Oh, you're not?" I asked. "We got paired together for a new project in history so we had to meet up to coordinate our schedules and work together. But I'm not interested in her that way, especially knowing your history with her." John said. "Okay, that's reasonable. But what about the promise you made to, and I quote "not let me find out about this?" I asked. "Because I knew you'd be upset if you found out that I crossed paths with your ex-friend. But I guess the truth is out now. Please don't be mad about this Ariel." John said. "You know something John? You could have just said so rather than tell me white lies. Better yet, keeping secrets from someone who's on the same page as you. Honestly, did you think I wouldn't find out? Do you think I'm that naive?" I asked. "No." John said. "It's clear to me where I stand. Every friendship or other relationship I had failed. Virginia betrayed me, Dominic and Jesse hate me, Kira and Bri won't talk to me, and now, this. John, I think it's best if we spend some time apart." I said. "What? You're leaving me? Don't say it like that. It sounds like you're breaking up with me." John said. "Not like that. I'm simply cutting ties with you. I'm ending our friendship, before you end ours." I said. "But we were..." John said before I cut him off. "We were what, John? Were we ever something? Other than friends?" I asked. John didn't say anything. "Didn't think so." I said. I started to walk away when John stopped me again. "Ariel, wait. Please, let us talk about this." John said. "Talk about what? That our friendship wasn't real? That we were just a lie? What more is there to say when you can't even tell me the truth? When you trusted Virginia more than me about your secret!" I said. "I didn't..." John said before sighing. "You know what, maybe you're right. I shouldn't force you into something you don't want. If this is really what you want, I'll leave you alone from now on." John said. Then we walked away from each other. Then I got a text from Virginia. This is what the text message said,
I need to talk to you. Meet me at the library in a few minutes.
I scoffed. "Yeah right, this conversation is over." I said before deleting the text message. I went to the park where Virginia and I first became friends. I really needed some peace and quiet. I started to hum if only until Virginia came up behind me.

"Nice tune. Couldn't have sung that better myself." Virginia said. I turned around quickly and saw Virginia standing a few feet away from me. "Virginia. What are you doing here?" I asked. "Actually, I was looking for you. Didn't you get my text?" Virginia asked. "Yeah, well, I must have missed that. But how did you know I was here?" I asked. "I figured you'd be at this spot. And I also saw your latest video on YouTube where you talked about what it's like to shut down. This is where you met John, right? And how can I forget this spot where we first became friends?" Virginia asked. I turned to face her, clearly surprised that she actually remembered. "You actually remember?" I asked. "Of course." Virginia said. "Hmm, strange. Figured I'd be the farthest thought from your mind." I said. "Well, that's also why I wanted to talk to you." Virginia said. "Virginia, I..." I said as I turned away. "Just hear me out." Virginia said stopping me dead in my tracks. I turned to face her. "Okay." I said. "Ariel, I didn't realize how much my actions affected you. Whatever happened between us, it was all on me. Elementary and middle school were both awkward times for me. Theater and chorus has always been my bunker to escape the negatives in my own personal life. But when I failed the audition in third grade, my whole perspective on being a thespian changed completely. I started having these doubts, building these rules and fears inside me that never existed until then. More than anything, I wanted to prove to some of the other students that I could live up to my potential as an aspiring actress. And in my efforts, I guess I kind of lost myself in that. I unknowingly let my insecurities consume me and think that you as my best friend were getting in the way of what I hoped to accomplish for years." Virginia said. "So to recap, you left me behind..." I said. "To concentrate solely on my acting skills. By the end of eighth grade I was finally able to accept who I really was and found my own place in school and community theater. And that's also when I stumbled upon your what it's like to shut down video. You said it would take more than an apology. So, here I am. Ariel, I should have stopped George when I noticed that he was about to make you shut down. Leaving you behind was the stupidest thing I've ever done. I know that now. And I should have known then, before this whole mess started. So what do you say? Do you think we can start over?" Virginia asked. "And what? Restart the cycle of poison and deceit?" I asked. "I promise things will be different this time. I've changed. I'm at a calm point in my life. And I'm certain I won't make the same mistakes again. We can start from scratch, reintroduce ourselves, and the last five years will all be forgotten." Virginia said. I thought about it for a minute. "No, no, I can't." I said. "What?" Virginia asked. "I don't want you back. You were unhappy with me and what we had as friends. Friendships are supposed to be mutual, not one sided. And one sided friendships are not healthy. I know what I want but I don't know if that's actually what the other person wants. That's what's so scary about them. I wake up every day terrified about approaching strangers, acquaintances, or even my own friends. And especially you, of all people that anything I say or do could destroy a friendship. Not even treatment can obliterate the haunting reminder of you, that I can't trust anyone!" I said angrily. "Ariel, please, I just..." Virginia said before I cut her off. "Stop pretending!" I shouted. Virginia took a few steps back because of the way I said it. "Stop acting like everything is okay because it's not! You acted like my sister forever but I can't stand to live another stupid sugarcoated lie! So just go!" I said. Virginia could tell that I was about to shut down. "Ariel, you're not okay, are you?" Virginia asked. "No, I'm not okay." I said. "Ariel, look at me." Virginia said. "Get away from me!" I shouted. It started to rain. "Listen to me. You won't get hurt again. I want to help you." Virginia said as she grabbed my hand. I looked up at her. "Just take some deep breaths." Virginia said. I took a few deep breaths and that made me start to calm down. "There's nothing to be afraid of. Do you want to go home?" Virginia asked. I nodded. "Alright, I remember where you place is." Virginia said. She walked me home. When we got to my house I turned to face her. "You saved me, from myself." I said. "It was nothing really." Virginia said. "No, really. You were caught in a situation when someone was about to shut down. What you did to help just now, that's exactly what you were supposed to do. Thank you." I said. Then my dad walked up to us. "Hey sweetheart. Did you make it out of the rain okay?" Mike asked. Then Virginia came out from behind me. "Oh Virginia. I wasn't expecting to see you here." Mike said. "It's a long story." I said. Then I told my dad everything.

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