Chapter 12 Joe goes to the rangers for help & breaking the spell

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Tommy tells us that he was in his shoes once and he wouldn't be here if his friends gave up on him. "Okay, so we don't give up yet. But what do we do?" Ethan asked. "Go back to school, keep a low profile. Hayley and I will let you know if anything changes." Tommy said. "Easy enough." I said. "More like easier said than done." John said. "Well, if it's easier said than done, you guys will have to follow my lead while we're at school." I said. The next morning Joe was walking to school alone when he ran into George in his white ranger form and Virginia. "You know, you shouldn't walk to school alone. You never know who you might run into." Virginia said. "Yeah, but I do it all the time. And another thing, you are not a threat to me." Joe said. "Well, maybe not by herself, but with me she can become a big threat." George said. "What are you talking about white ranger?" Joe asked. That's when George told Virginia to attack Joe. Virginia had to use just her skills because Joe didn't have any weapons to defend himself with. After a while Virginia and George left. "What was that about?" Joe asked himself. He has an idea about what he did to deserve that but doesn't know if that's the actual reason why that happened. While we were talking at my locker Joe walked up to us. "Hey guys." Joe said. "Hey Joe, what's up?" John asked. "Not much. I have something to tell you guys." Joe said. "What is it?" Conner asked. "While I was walking to school I got attacked by Virginia and the white ranger." Joe said. "That's the white ranger for you." I said. "But why would Virginia attack you? That doesn't make any sense." John said. "She wouldn't do that unless it was for a good reason. Can you guys help me?" Joe asked. I pulled John back by a few feet. "I don't trust him." I said. "Come on Ariel. He needs our help." John said. "I don't care. I still don't trust him. Anyway, I'm heading to class. I'll see you there." I said. Later that day at lunchtime John walked up to me. "Okay, here's what I'm thinking. What if he does something to prove to you that we can trust him?" John asked. "Like what?" I asked. "I don't know, but maybe we could give him a test of trust." John said. "Okay, fine. But he has to prove to me that I can trust him." I said. Later that day after school we were walking home when we got attacked by one of Mesagog's minions. We morphed and fought him for a while and I got knocked down and demorphed. Then the rest of them got hit sending them to the ground. "Leave them alone!" I shouted. Mesagog's minion turned to face me. "Very well, I'll destroy you." Mesagog's minion said. That's when Joe got in front of me and grabbed the monster by his arm. "Not so fast." Joe said. "Step aside, it's the pink ranger I want." Mesagog's minion said. "The rangers and star aces are one and the same. If you're gonna destroy somebody, you better start with me." Joe said. That's when I saw that he would never turn his back on an old friend. "Whoa, Joe saved Ariel." John said. We took the monster down. We went to the lab and Joe came with us. I didn't say anything because I was still in shock from him saving me. The others were telling him how awesome he was out there, eventhough he is not a power ranger. John walked over to me. "Hey, are you okay?" John asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said. Then I turned to Joe. "You know what, we could use you as an ally. And I just want to say thanks for saving me out there." I said. "So, does this mean that you trust me?" Joe asked. "Well, yeah. You never turned your back on a friend. Just like sailor moon." I said.

"Okay, so you said that you were attacked by Virginia. Did you notice anything weird about her?" John asked. "Well, he eyes were not their normal brown color. They were bloodshot red. She had this expression on her face and it didn't change. And when the white ranger told her to attack me she didn't ask questions, she just did what she was told." Joe said. "Okay, I have an idea about what happened to her. She must have been placed under a spell. And I have a pretty good idea about what spell it is." I said as I grabbed my spell book. "What spell do you think George used?" Tommy asked. I opened my spell book and turned to where the no rest for the wicked spell is as I answered. "No rest for the wicked." I said. "Can we even do it?" Joe asked. "You should stay out of this battle. We can't risk you getting hurt, or even worse, killed." I said. "Okay, but if you need me to help, you guys know that you can either text me or call me." Joe said. "You got it." John said. The next day I went over a new plan I made with the rest of the team. "Okay guys, listen up. We're going to break the spell on Virginia. But in order for me to get close enough to break the spell you guys will have to fight George. John you're going to help me with Virginia by using another spell to immobilize her before I use the reversal spell." I said. "Sounds like a great idea." Tommy said. Then we noticed that the white ranger was back along with Virginia. "Alright, let's do this!" I said. Then we all morphed. We went to where they are. "Well, well, well, look who's back." George said. "Shall I attack them master?" Virginia asked. "Yes, destroy them!" George said. When Virginia lunged towards me the others except for John went to go fight George. I jumped out of the way of Virginia's attack. "John, now!" I said. "Immobulus!" John shouted. Virginia became immobile. I walked up to her as I pulled my spell book out. I turned to the page with the reversal spell. "To sleep, a sweet release, one I ask for. Awake! Alive! Revive my senses. In my mind, make light. The perception of a continuous day, keep me up all hours until I say the words of reversal." I said. Virginia's eyes went back to their original brown color, the fight returned to her body, and her mind no longer under George's control. Then John used a reversal spell for the spell he used to immobilize her for me. "Ariel? John? What happened?" Virginia asked. "I'll tell you later, for right now get out of here and get somewhere safe!" I said. "You got it!" Virginia said. Then she left. "Rangers, regroup!" I said. They all came over to me. George saw Virginia leave after I broke the spell. "You'll pay for that rangers!" George said. "Yeah right." John said. "In your dreams." I said. Then John and I gave each other a high five and George left. The next day I was walking around the forest when I came across some green slime. Hayley gave me the task of finding something that might help to make Tommy demorph. I pulled out my phone and called Hayley after getting some of the slime into the container that Hayley gave me to put slime-like things in when I came across them. "Hayley, I found something." I said. "What did you find?" Hayley asked. "Some slime. My theory is that it might work as a synthesizing agent that might help us to bring Tommy back to his normal self." I said. "It's worth a shot." Hayley said. I went back to the lab with the slime. I contacted the others and told them to come to the lab. Tommy walked over to me and Hayley before the others show up. "Well, I guess slime really does pay." Tommy said. "This is crazy but it might just work." Hayley said. Then the rest of them come in. Tommy, Hayley, and I turned to face them. "So what's the emergency?" Conner asked. "Hey guys, Hayley and Ariel think that they can demorph me." Tommy said. "How?" Kira asked. "With a little help of this slime. My theory is that it might work as a synthesizing agent which we think can help bring Tommy back to his normal self." I said. Then Hayley input his molecular structure and DNA information. "Alright, now to add the slime. I hope this works." I said. "You're not the only one." Tommy said. Then I put the slime into the device we were using.

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