Chapter 17 Mesagog's plan & George saves his dad part 1

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We got a grip on him and George launched the stinger straight on ahead of him. It hit the monster and destroyed it. The next day I was hanging out at the cafe with the others. "Thanks for what you did for us yesterday." George said. "No problem." I said. "Yeah, besides, Dr. Oliver would have done the same thing." John said. "Actually, we would all do the same thing for each other." Conner said. "Yeah, you have a point there Conner." Ethan said. "Well, everything turned out just fine." I said. Then I remembered that I was supposed to meet with Tommy. "Oh shit, I almost forgot. I was supposed to meet with him. I'll see you guys tomorrow at school." I said as I walked out. "Okay, see you tomorrow." They said as I walked out. I went to the lab. "Hey Tommy, sorry I'm late. I was talking to the others at the cafe and I guess I just lost track of time." I said. "It's okay. You have a good reason for being five minutes late." Tommy said. He was always like this around me. "Okay, but I do have two questions for you. The first one is why are you always like this around me? And the second one is why did you come to help us when you should have been resting?" I asked. "To answer your first question, you are my favorite student but you're also like a little sister to me, which brings me to the answer for your second question. I care about you. I don't want you to get hurt or killed, after what happened with the lab we were doing research in. But as you know, we can't avoid putting each other at risk." Tommy said. "Yeah, I know. It's just, I don't want you to get hurt or killed either." I said. "You know that you can't avoid putting me at risk. I can't avoid doing the same thing to you." Tommy said. "I know." I said. "What would you do if I die?" Tommy asked. I looked at him with a questioning look on my face. 🤨 "Well, I don't know. And also, why are you asking me?" I asked. "Like I said, you're like a little sister to me. I just feel like I could tell you anything." Tommy said. "I feel the same way about you." I said. The next day at school I walked up to Virginia. Something seems to be bothering her so I decided to talk to her about it. "Hey Virginia, what's up? It looks like something is bothering you." I said. "It's nothing." Virginia said. "Look, I can tell that something is wrong. What's going on?" I asked. "It's just... I haven't been able to hang out with George lately. He said that he was always so busy. I never get to spend any time with him anymore." Virginia said. "That's what's going on?" I asked. "Yeah." Virginia said. "How about I talk to him about it? You know, get his side?" I asked. "That will be okay." Virginia said before walking away. When I talked to George he said that being a power ranger is a big job and he also felt like he doesn't have time to hang out with Virginia. I told him that he can hang out with her when we're not fighting one of Mesagog's minions. He thought that it was a good idea. If we need him we can contact him with our communicators which also happens to be our morphers. The next day I was in Mesagog's lab. I had a feeling that he was up to no good. I saw that he has separated himself from Anton Mercer. "I hope you're comfortable Anton. In a matter of hours, all your worries will fade to black." Mesagog said. "This is so bad. I have to talk to George." I said before leaving. I thought he would be at the lab but he wasn't. I told Tommy what happened. "Well, now that Mercer and Mesagog are separated we can speed up our plans." Tommy said. "How's the new project coming?" I asked. "Do you think it will work?" Tommy added. "The tough part will be getting through an invisaportal with this much mass. We'll need a portal that operates at an exact frequency and latitude for it to work." Hayley said. "Once we get inside we'll be able to destroy Mesagog's lair once and for all." Tommy said. I contacted George after I left the lab. "George, this is Ariel. I have something to tell you." I said. "What's up?" George said. "Your dad is in danger. Mesagog has separated himself from him. You have to rescue him." I said. "Okay, I'll head to Mesagog's lair right now." George said. "Good luck." I said. Then I went back into the lab to help Tommy and Hayley with the rest of the plan. George went to Mesagog's lair. "Now thanks to that genius, the people of earth will join me. With this weapon I will at least complete my master plan." Mesagog said. "You're transfiguration beam is magnificent. But will you be able to supply it with enough power?" Elsa said. "Once I get the dino gems, I will. But to make sure, I'll start with the power I've given you." Mesagog said. Then tyranodrones grabbed her and strapped her down to the life force extractor chair. "I'll miss you Elsa. Truly I will." Mesagog said. "Please don't!" Elsa cried. "Try not to move." Mesagog said before stripping Elsa of her power. Due to how much of an affect it had on her, it made her disappear. "Now all I need are the dino gems, and the earth will be mine. Mine as I always dreamed it would be." Mesagog said. At that moment George had gotten to him. "Where is he? Where's my father? What have you done with him?" George said. "Let's just say, he's in storage." Mesagog said. "He better be alive or I'll..." George said before getting cut off by Mesagog. "Or you'll what? What will you do, George? Now let's get to the reason you're here." Mesagog said. "I'm offering you what you need to make your plan work." George said. "And what would that be?" Mesagog asked. "The dino gems. I'll bring them to you. All I ask is one simple favor." George said. "I'm listening." Mesagog said. "Release my father. I'll get you what you want. Just let him go." George said. "But what guarantee do I have that you will deliver on your promise?" Mesagog asked. "What guarantee do I have that you'll let my father go?" George countered. "Alright. Bring me the gems and he's yours. Although I don't know why you want him. He's as useless as Elsa is now." Mesagog said. Meanwhile in town Elsa was looking around. "Where am I?" Elsa said. Then Zeltrax showed up. "Well well, what do we have here?" Zeltrax said. Back at the lab Hayley picked up something. "You'd better take a look at this." Hayley said. I walked over to them. "Zeltrax." Tommy said. "What does he want with that civilian?" I asked not noticing that it's Elsa, but without her power. I decided to contact the others. I contacted John first. "This is John, Ariel." John said. "John, we've got a problem." I said. "What's up?" John asked. "Zeltrax is back. Meet me and the others at the steel plant on spring street." I said. "Right." John said before running over to where we are going to be. We ran into Zeltrax. "Where's the women Zeltrax?" Tommy asked. "Safe and sound rangers. Come check if you'd like." Zeltrax said. We started to fight him. Tommy and George got a hold on him but then he kicked Tommy to the ground and threw George off of him, sending him to the ground. Then Ethan tried to fight him but he got sent to the ground too. "Girl power time Kira." I said. "You got it." Kira said.

Kira got sent to the ground. Tommy came to help me but then he got sent to the ground. Then Conner tried to help me but we both got sent to the ground. "Your time is up rangers." Zeltrax said. "Guys, you know what time it is." Tommy said. "We sure do." George said. "Dino thunder power up!" We said to morph. Little did we know that someone found out that we were the power rangers. We all pulled out a thundermax saber and charged at Zeltrax. We fought him until Tommy, John, and I stopped in our tracks. We heard someone cry for help. "Help! Somebody help me!" Elsa said. I looked at the other rangers. "Conner, Kira, Ethan. You guys handle Zeltrax. John, George, and Tommy, you're with me." I said. John, George, Tommy, and I followed the voice.

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