Chapter 15 Tommy fights for his life part 2

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The next morning Jason came to the hospital and I was in the waiting area with the others, including George. "Hey Ariel." Jason said. "Hey Jason." I said. Then he turned to John and George. "Hey John, hey George." Jason said. "Hi Jason." John and George said. "How do you know John and George?" I asked. "They're my cousins." Jason said. "Wait, wait, wait, so what you're saying is that me and George are cousins?" John asked. "Yeah." Jason said. I could see that they were both shocked by that. "Anyway, I got a call from Hayley last night and she told me that Tommy had a heart attack." Jason said. "Yeah, but the doctor said that he is okay right now but he's still in a coma." I said. Then doctor Walsh walked up to us. "Hey doctor Walsh. How is he?" Hayley asked. "He's stable now." Doctor Walsh said. "That's good to hear. Can we see him?" Jason asked. "Yes, but I don't just want you guys to see him. I want you to talk to him. Hearing your voices might just bring him out of the coma." Doctor Walsh said before walking away. "I haven't seen Tommy in years and we haven't talked to each other. The last time we talked to each other was when we were teenagers. What if he doesn't recognize my voice?" Jason asked. "Don't worry about it Jason, I know that he'll recognize your voice." I said. We walked into the room and Jason turned his head away. "I can't look at him." Jason said. "He's just sleeping Jason." I said. Then I turn my head to Tommy. "Hey Tommy, it's Ariel. I'm here with Jason." I said. "You know, he could be on the edge." Jason said. Then he turned to Tommy. "Tommy, we were rangers together. But you couldn't leave well enough alone back then, and now you still can't leave well enough alone." Jason said. I walked up to him. "Jason, I know you feel like he might not make it but I feel like he is going to pull through. Wherever he is, god is with him." I said. "I wish there was something we could do. I feel completely helpless." Kira said. "Dr. Oliver is pretty tough Kira." Conner said. Then the creature came back. "I had a feeling he'd be back." Ethan said. "There's nothing we can do about it." George said. Meanwhile in Tommy's mind he finds himself by some really old temple ruins that are overgrown. "Okay, this is weird. Even by ranger standards." Tommy said. Then the dragon dagger showed up and he pulled it out of the tree and turned to see the green mighty morphin power ranger walking up to him. "I thought I'd might run into you." Tommy said. "It's been a while Tommy. Seeing you switch to the face of black." The green ranger said. "Seems to work for me. Let me guess, you want to fight." Tommy said. "You guessed right." The green ranger said. They started to fight with Tommy having the advantage of having the dagger. The green ranger manages to disarm him and gets Tommy on the ground by using ahshi bahri and then using the lightning attack of the dagger. Meanwhile in the hospital room the news reporter asked where the power rangers are. "That's it. You guys can stay here and watch this but I can't." Conner said. "Hold up." Ethan said. "We're going with you." Kira said as they followed Conner out. "Hey, where are you going? You don't stand a chance without your powers." Hayley said. "That wouldn't stop Dr. Oliver, and it's not going to stop us either." Ethan said. Jason noticed that I wasn't following them out. When they were out of earshot Jason turned to me. "You should go help them." He said. "And what, possibly get my powers taken with the chance of dying? Not happening." I said. "Come on Ariel." Jason said. "How could I do that without knowing if Tommy is going to be okay or not?" I asked. "Look, I have your phone number, I can text you to let you know if he's okay or not. I'll text you if he wakes up." Jason said. "Okay, fine." I said annoyed before walking out. When I was out of earshot Jason turned to face Tommy. "Tommy, I'm sorry about our arguments and petty squabbles. I just want you to come back." Jason said. Meanwhile in town they faced off with the creature. The creature blasted them, causing them to fall to the ground. They got back up and went after him again. Meanwhile in Tommy's mind he is still fighting the green ranger. He raised him above his head and by the time he got him back down the green ranger threw him off of him. Then he placed a pillar down in a way that he can kick it towards him. He kicked the pillar towards Tommy and the impact that happened behind him made a small earthquake that sent him to the ground. "You know better than anybody how powerful I am. Why don't you just give up the fight?" The green ranger said. Tommy looked up at him. "That's the one thing I'll never do!" Tommy said. "Then I guess this is over." The green ranger said while pointing the dagger at Tommy's neck. Then he lowered the dagger and held out his hand to Tommy. "You passed the test." The green ranger said as he helped Tommy to get up. "Test? What are you talking about?" Tommy asked. "You haven't been fighting us, you've been fighting for your life." The red zeo ranger said as he walked up to them. "And you've proven that your will to live is stronger than any ranger power." The white ranger said as he walked up to them. They all reveal that they have part of his dino gem. "This is yours." The green ranger said. Tommy took all three pieces. "Good luck black ranger." They all said. Tommy closed his hand around the three pieces of the dino gem as the whole area around him flashed very bright. Tommy woke up. "Tommy, you're okay." Haley said. "Yeah, never felt better." Tommy said. Then he opened his hand reveling the dino gem. It was back together. Then Jason walked in. "Tommy, I'm so glad to see that you're okay." Jason said. "Hey Jason, what are you doing here?" Tommy asked. "Well, it's a long story. Let's just say that Ariel called me and told me what happened and she wanted me to be here with her and then later that night Hayley called me and told me that you had a mild heart attack and that made me really worried about you. Then all of this other stuff just happened." Jason said. Meanwhile on the battlefield the rest of the team got knocked down by the time I got there. "It's over." The monster said. "Not on my watch!" I said as I got in front of the others and kicked the creature away. "Ariel!" John said. They got up. "You came to help us." Kira said. "That's right." I said. Then I morphed into my ranger form. "Dino thunder power up!" I said to morph. "Big deal." The creature said before trying to blast me. Luckily, I dodged it. I kicked him a few times causing him to go to lower ground. I was up the hill from him. "Super dino mode!" I said as I went into super dino mode. "Whoa, when did she get super dino powers?" George said. "I don't know, but she picked a good time to bust them out." John said. The creature and I did some hand-to-hand combat, then I hit him a few times with my weapon and then I grabbed him and threw him into a rock cliffside. "Velociraptor claws slash!" I said as I did the move. The monster blew up and the rest of them got their powers back. They came up to me. "Ariel." Kira said. "Why did you come to help us? We thought that you weren't going to leave Tommy's side." John said. "It's a long story." I said. Then the monster grew into a mega version of himself. "You didn't think I'd give up that easily, did you?" The creature said as he grew into a mega version of himself. "Let's do it guys!" I said. They morphed into their ranger forms and we got into our megaswords. Conner, Kira, and Ethan got into their megasword, John and I got into our megasword, and George got into his. We got knocked down. "Ariel, if you can win your fight by yourself, I can only imagine what we can do together." John said. "Alright, everyone, let's give it everything we've got!" I said. We went into super dino mode.

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