Chapter 16 Ariel & Hayley take care of Tommy

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We used one of our megasword attacks at full power. John and I used the velociraptor claw slash at full power, George used the stinger at full power, and Conner, Kira, and Ethan used the dino drill at full power and it worked. "Oh yeah!" They all said. "Dino thunder rangers, victory is ours." I said. When we demorphed I pulled out my phone and noticed that I got a text from Jason. "Looks like I got a text from Jason." I said. "What does it say?" Kira asked. "It says hey Ariel, Tommy just woke up. Get back as soon as you can." I said. "Well, let's go see him." Ethan said. We went to the hospital. I was in a better mood than I was earlier because Tommy was okay, and alive. We were talking to Tommy. While the rest of them were talking to Tommy I took Jason into the hallway. "Thanks for staying with Tommy when I went to go help the others." I said. "No problem. It was the least I could do for a family friend." Jason said. "Okay, Tommy said that he was getting checked out of here tomorrow morning so I guess it's time for you to get going, huh?" I asked. "Yeah, but if you ever need me, you know where to find me, right?" Jason asked. "Wherever you are I will find you. I will always find you." I said. Then Jason left. I walked back into the room and saw the others still talking to him. "Okay, so let me get this straight, three of your old ranger powers came to you?" Ethan asked. "And you had to fight them to get your life back?" Conner asked. "This is awesome. It's like all the power ranger universes lined up." Ethan said before all of them started to talk all at the same time. "Guys, I just want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for hanging in there with me through all this. It was tough, but you guys came through. It means a lot to me." Tommy said. "He's right. You should be really proud of yourselves." Hayley said. Ethan looked over at Conner. "Are you crying?" Ethan asked. "No." Conner said before turning back to Tommy. "We're just really glad to have you back Dr. Oliver." Conner said. "Good thing I have this team to help me see this through." I thought to myself. The next morning Hayley and I were taking care of Tommy. "Are you comfortable Tommy?" I asked. "Yes Ariel, I'm comfortable." Tommy said. "Do you need anything else?" Hayley asked. "Not right now, actually, I'm kinda hungry." Tommy said. "I'll make you something. What do you want?" I asked. "I don't know. Surprise me." Tommy said. "Okay." I said as I went upstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast for Tommy. "Hayley, you two don't have to babysit me. I'll be fine." Tommy said. "Last time you said that something bad happened." Hayley said. "I know." Tommy said. Then I came back down with the breakfast I made for Tommy. "Wow, toast, fruit, yogurt, granola, and orange juice. Thanks." Tommy said. "No problem." I said. "So Tommy just said that we don't need to babysit him." Hayley said. "I turned to Tommy. "You know what doctor Walsh said." I said. "He said to rest, not hibernate. I can take care of myself." Tommy said. "But you had a heart attack while in the coma." I said. "It was a mild heart attack." Tommy said. Then Tommy started to read the maze runner. We were allowing the other rangers and some of his friends to visit him. The next day I went back to Tommy's house. "What book should I start with next? I haven't read to kill a mockingbird in a long time." Tommy said. I walked into the living room. "Hey Tommy." I said. Tommy looked at me. "Hey Ariel, can you get a book for me to read?" Tommy asked. "Sure. What book did you want?" I asked. "To kill a mockingbird." Tommy said. "That's a great book. I read it in English class last year. And I also saw the movie." I said. Then Hayley came up to us. "Hey Tommy. How are you today?" Hayley asked. "I'm good." Tommy said. "Okay, just yell if you need anything. We'll be around this weekend to help out." Hayley said. "Thanks guys." Tommy said. Two days later I was at the lab with the others. We were making a battle plan when we got an alert. "What is that thing?" John asked. "I don't know, but I can tell you that it's not going to like what it finds." I said. We morphed and we went to fight him. George did a move that none of us could do. "Showoff." I said. The monster launched an attack at us. "Ariel, get down!" Conner said as they ran over to protect me. Conner got hit. "Conner, are you okay? I'm sorry. I froze up." I said. "I guess it is true what they say, there's plenty of fish in the sea." The monster said before taking their souls except for mine and John's. "What have you done to them?" John asked as he attacked the monster. "The same thing I'm going to do to everyone on earth." The monster said. The monster knocked him back. "Time to go fishing for humans. Bye-bye." The monster said. "Hey, I'm not done with you!" John said. Before John could get to him he dissapeared. "Oh no. He escaped. We need to get them back to the lab right now." John said. "If I didn't freeze this wouldn't have happened." I said. We got them back to the lab. "This can't be happening." I said. Tommy came down and asked John what happened. "This monster attacked and took their souls." John said. "So they can't wake up?" Tommy asked. "No, they can't." John said. "This is all my fault." I said. "What?" John asked. "They got hit because they were trying to protect me." I said. "No, it was an accident." Tommy said as he walked over to me. "Yeah, easy for you to say. You did stuff for the other rangers. They did it for me, and now it's my job to bring them back, not yours." I said as I walked out. John came after me. "Ariel, stop. It's not your fault. Hey wait for me. Listen, I know how you feel." John said. "No you don't." I said. "I too carry that burden." John said. "It's not the same." I said. "It is the same. If there's someone who feels guilty for surviving, it's me. And if there's such a thing as destiny, that's what brought us together, and it made us a team. I am your team. Plus Tommy is one of us, remember?" John asked. Then our communicators went off. "We are a team. Let's go." I said. John got knocked down. Then I used a thundermax blaster on the monster. "We're taking back our friends energy." I said. "Go for it!" John said. I did a cartwheel over his back and attacked the monster. "I got an idea. The dino gems can fuse together. Why not use them all?" I asked. "Because I don't know how they will fuse together." John said. "That didn't stop us before. We gotta try. Just imagine how powerful we'd be." I said. "Alright, we'll try." John said. Then I threw my dino gem to him and I told him the order to fuse them in. "Arrange them in a circle and place the red one in the center. Then use the fuse symbol to fuse them together!" I said. John placed the gems in a circle and place the red one in the center. "I hope this works." John said as he pulled out a samuraizer that I made for him. "Symbol power, dino gems combine!" John said as he drew the symbol for fuse. The gems fused together. Then he used the combined energy from the gems to destroy the monster. "Alright! We did it!" John said. "You know, we make an unstoppable team." I said. "You got that right." John said. Everyone that had their souls taken got them back. Then the monster came back as a mega version of himself. "Looks like we got one more battle." I said. Before we could even get into our megasword the others showed up in their megaswords. "You're going to regret what you did to my students." Tommy said. "Ariel, John, we're going to need your help." Kira said. "You got it guys!" I said. "Velociraptor and spinosaurus swords, combine!" John and I said at the same time. "Alright, you guys hold him still and I'll destroy him." George said. "Sounds like a plan." John said. "Let's do it!" I said.

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