Chapter 10 The white ranger's identity

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Then Zeltrax said "Join him or be destroyed." Then George said "I don't know how many times I have to say it. I'm not interested." Then they started to attack him. We showed up on our motorcycles. "Hold it right there!" Conner said as we stopped our motorcycles and got off of them. "Great, that's all we need." Elsa said. "Whoa, who's side do we take?" Ethan asked. "Good question." Conner said. "How about neither?" I asked. "We'll make it easy for you." Elsa said before disappearing through an invisaportal with Zeltrax. "If you had any sense you'd run too." George said. "Dream on." I said. "Let's do it!" John said. We started to fight him and George pushed me up against a big steel tank. "Had enough?" George said. "Hardly. Super dino mode!" I said as I went into super dino mode. I used a velociraptor claw slash to get him away from me. I pushed him back even further that I anticipated. "You'll pay for that!" George said. I charged towards him. "I'm taking you down!" George said as he made the arrows and fired them at me. I went down. That's when the others got in front of me and fired the thundermax blaster at him but he deflected it right back at us sending them to the ground. "That's enough!" I said as I got up and charged at him. He used the against the reach arm drag on me. "You're a little out of your league, don't you think?" George said before sending me to the ground again. Then he hit me with the arrows again after I got back up but not before asking me if I see his point. It sent me to the ground again and made me demorph. I was badly injured but not enough for it to be fatal. The others tried to fight him off but he hit them causing them to fall to the ground. "Back off! Never did like the color pink." George said as he walked over to me. My back was turned to him. He knelt down behind me. "Well pink ranger, time to say goodbye." George said before grabbing my arm and pulling me into an upright sitting position but when we made eye contact he stopped dead in his tracks. "Ariel?" George said before lowering his fist. "I... I..." George began when he got what looked like a headache to me. Then the others went into super dino mode and fought him off. "I'll be back." George said before leaving. Then the rest of them demorphed and came over to me. "Ariel, are you okay?" John asked. "Yeah, I'll be fine." I said. The next day after school I went out to go look for George and I found him sitting by a lake. "George, is that you?" I asked as I came up behind him. "Hey." I said. "Hey." George said. "Where did you go?" I asked as I sat down next to him. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just taken off like that." George said. "Look, I can't help you if I don't know what's going on." I said. That's when George showed me some sketches of the white ranger that he drew. "George, if you're gonna dream about being a superhero the white ranger is not who you want to be." I said. "I wish I had a choice." George said. "What are you saying?" I asked. Then he revealed the white dino gem on a bracelet on his wrist. "You?! But you almost annihilated me!" I said. "But I didn't. Once I knew it was you..." George began when I stood up. I was about to walk away when George grabbed my arm. "Let go of me!" I said. "Ariel, I couldn't help it. The gem, it's changed me. I can't take it off or control what I'm doing. You've got to believe me." George said. "Why should I?" I asked. "Because I'll never intentionally hurt anyone Ariel, especially Virginia." George said. "Okay, I think I know some people who can help. I'm gonna get Conner, Ethan, Kira, and John." I said. "Why them?" George said. "Well, because..." I said. "Wait a minute, them too?" George said. "Hard to believe, but true. Look, I need you to wait here until I come back." I said. "Okay." George said. After I left Mesagog's tyranodrones kidnapped him. Back at the lab I told the others that George is the white ranger. "George? Oh there's no way." Ethan said. "Nice, pretending to be our friend one minute and then kicking our butts the next. I can't believe I fell for it." Conner said. "I told you, he can't help it. The gem is too powerful." I said. "Stop defending him." Conner said. "I'm with Conner on this. Look at what he did to Tommy." John said. "Hayley, he needs our help." I said. "I don't know if there's anything I can do, but I'll try." Hayley said. We went to the lake but he's not there. "He was supposed to wait right here." I said. "There's a surprise. He lied to us again." Ethan said. "Ariel, I'm telling you. George can't be trusted." John said. Meanwhile at Mesagog's lab the tyranodrones brought him in. "Get off me!" George said. Then Mesagog walks in. "So the white ranger pays us a visit at last. Let's finally see the man behind the mystery." Mesagog said. Then the tyranodrones remove the net and hold him back from Mesagog. George started to fight against them to get free but couldn't. "Well, well, Anton Mercer's son, George. How deliciously perfect." Mesagog said. "What are you talking about freak? What do you want with me?" George said. "I want you to fight by my side as we bring the world back to the magnificent era of the dinosaurs." Mesagog said. "You're out of your mind. I'll never help you fight." George said. "Oh, but you will. Think of it white ranger, with our combined powers the modern world dosen't stand a chance. We'll crush them, like ants." Mesagog said. "Forget it. I'll never help you." George said. "You don't have a choice. Now that the white dino gem has bonded with you it's only a matter of time before you turn completely evil." Mesagog said. "I won't, I'll fight it." George said. "For a while maybe. But your will is no match for the gems power. In fact, you can feel it changing you already, can't you?" Mesagog asked. George didn't say anything in response. "I thought so. It'd be so much easier just to give into it. Don't fight it. Embrace your newfound power. Join me George. Join me. Join me." Mesagog said. "No!" George said before the gem made him morph. "I'm out of here!" George said before making arrows and firing them to make some smoke so that he can escape. When the smoke cleared Mesagog looked around but George was already gone. "Where is he?" Mesagog asked. Back at the lab Hayley was picking up the white ranger's signal. "I'm picking up white ranger's signal, he's back." Hayley said. George goes into his megasword. "Great, major megasword action right off the bat." Ethan said. "Well, this might be a good time to use a new dinosword." Hayley said. "Let's do it!" Conner said. Before we morphed Conner turned to face me. "Wait, we've got to do whatever it takes to stop George. You know that, right?" Conner said. I nodded. Then we morphed. Then we got into our megasword and Hayley sent out the new dinosword. George wanted to add it to his collection but we didn't let him take it. "We can't lose this one to him too." I said. After it hit George's megasword we saw it's power. "What are you guys waiting for. He may be small but check out it's power." Hayley said. The other rangers combined it with their megasword and used double drill attack while John and I used double claw attack. "Don't think this is over." George said before disappearing. The next day I was standing by the lake where George was supposed to wait for me. "Thought you might be here." George said as he came up behind me. I turned to face him. "Why didn't you wait for me?" I asked. "I did. It's a long story. You know, it's funny. I always thought it'd be cool to be a superhero and this isn't how I draw my stuff." George said. "Look, let us help you." I said. "No, it's too late. The gem's already taken over just like he said." George said. "Who?" I asked. "It doesn't matter. I have to go away. It's not safe to be around me." George said. "But..." I began when George cut me off. "Look, I said no!" George said. Then he walked away and threw his sketchbook into the lake.

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