Chapter 2 signing up for an audition

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I went to go use the restroom. As I was washing my hands Brianna came into the restroom. "Oh hi. You startled me." Brianna said. "Hey Bri. Sorry for the scare. How are you?" I asked. "I'm okay. Did you see the flyer for this years play?" Brianna said. "No, I don't usually listen to the 411 of the thespian world." I said. "Well, once you see the audition flyer you won't be disappointed." Bri said. "Okay, but don't think I'm the one to jump into an audition. You know how nervous I get in front of an audience." I said. "Suit yourself." Brianna said. I walked out and walked by the flyer for this years play and I glanced at it out the corner of my eye and stopped in my tracks. "Could it be?" I asked myself as I walked over to the play flyer and the audition sign up sheet. "Our school is finally showcasing my favorite musical ever? I still know all the songs by heart. This could be my chance to live out my dream and play the lead VK. (Aka: Villain kid) But my nervousness, what if I, what if she... no, you made a goal for yourself to step out of your comfort zone. And if making the play in my most favorite musical of all time is the first step then sign me up!" I said as I wrote my name on the audition sign up sheet. "Wow, I just did that. I'm in theater now. No turning back.

This is amazing! I probably should get back to class." I said before walking back to class. Later that day at lunch I got a chicken sandwich and sat with John. "Hi Ariel. You seem to be in a good mood today." John said. "You don't even know the half of it." I said. "What has you in such a good mood?" John asked. "I signed up for a musical audition." I said. "Wow, really?" John asked. "Yes." I said. "That's a big step up, even for you. In a good way." John said. "Yeah, I'll admit I may have overstepped my boundaries on this one but I've been a huge fan of descendants ever since I was a kid. I still know every single song by heart." I said. "Really? Can you demonstrate?" John asked. I looked around at everyone in the cafeteria then back at John. "Right now, in a cafeteria full of students?" I asked. "Maybe some other time." John said. "Anyway the audition is next Friday. So I better practice every day until then." I said. "But you just said that you know every single song from that movie by heart." John said. "Yes, but I'll be singing in front of an audience, and judges watching me, and judging me. It's just, it's the first time in years I've participated in something like this. You know, ever since..." I said. "You don't have to explain. I get it. My heart would not stop pounding before a presentation at my old school." John said. After lunch I walked by the play flyer and audition sign up sheet and noticed that Virginia signed up for the audition too. "Virginia?" I asked myself before getting another flashback. (Flashback: Virginia just got done with her audition and met up with Ariel.
Young Ariel: So, how did your audition go?
Young Virginia: Not too good. I gave it my best shot. But my voice cracked in the middle of the song. The judges only offered me to play ensemble when I clearly told them I didn't want to play ensemble!
Young Ariel: Well, that's not so bad. I wish I could have auditioned with you. Ensemble would be perfect with my nerves.
Young Virginia: Yeah, but, you're not me.
Young Ariel: So, who ended up getting the lead?
Young Virginia: You won't believe it. She was in the second grade. And we're in the third grade. I was beaten by a second grader out of everyone else who auditioned!
Young Ariel: At least you'll still be in the play.
Young Virginia: Not exactly. Ensemble wasn't and never will be my cup of tea. So I quit.
Young Ariel: What? So, you just gave up after working so hard?
Young Virginia: Let's face it Ariel. I don't get as much practice as some of the other thether kids. If I'm ever going to accomplish as far as the lead I just need to work twice, no, three times as hard as I do now. From here on out no more distractions. Just me staring in the face of fear. Standing in a single spotlight. Bowing to the crowd, all of my hard work finally paying off in the end.
Young Ariel: There's the Virginia I know.
Young Virginia: Sorry, I got a bit carried away.
Young Ariel: No way. Your passion and feeling in the moment in your element may just be your key to an outstanding performance. Use them to your advantage. And just remember that I'll always be sitting in the audience cheering you on and leading the standing ovation. You are a natural born performer. Don't ever doubt yourself.
Young Virginia: Aw, thanks Ariel. That really means a lot to me.
Young Ariel: It's the truth.
They hug each other. End of flashback) "Oh no." I said to myself. Later that night in my dream the embodiment of my negative thoughts, emotions, and fears came to me. "Aw, more stripe I see." The embodiment said. "What do you want?" I asked. "Nothing, just stopping by this corner of the mind. You know, you don't have to live like this." The embodiment said. "Yeah? How so?" I asked. "Just let me do the heavy lifting. All you have to do is avoid other students." The embodiment said. "What?" I asked. "Don't talk to them, don't be intimate with them. All relationships are toxic, even acquaintances. They can't hurt you as long as I'm here to guide you." The embodiment said. "Not talking to them? I'll be back where I started. I'll be all alone." I said. "Yes, yes. That's the ticket. What's the point of relationships when they all fail?" The embodiment said. "But I don't wanna be alone." I said. "Excuse me?" The embodiment said. "No, I won't do it. You are nothing more than the embodiment of my negative thoughts, emotions, and fears. And I know for a fact that life has so much more to offer than this. I've beaten you once, I can beat you again. So just go. Go ahead and taunt me. But I won't stand for this anymore!" I said. "Fine, have it your way. But I'll be back. You can never destroy me. Besides you'll have her..." the embodiment said before turning into Virginia. "To deal with." Virginia said. I jolted awake and was hyperventilating. I slowed my breathing down. "Ugh, more anxiety. You've come so far already. It was just a dream." I said to myself before I went back to sleep.

The next morning at school I walked up to Brianna. "Good morning Ariel." Brianna said. "Good morning. I have some good news. Last night I bought us tickets for sonic the hedgehog 3 this weekend. Perfect seats in the middle back row." I said. "Awesome! I can't wait to see it. It's been forever since I've been to the movies." Brianna said. "Yeah, you know, with quarantine and everything related to covid-19." I said. Then I looked around for Kira. "Where's Kira?" I asked. "I have no idea. She's probably running late." Brianna said. "Actually, Kira was just here." George said. Brianna and I turned to face him. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, she ran right past me before you guys showed up. It looked like she was going to hurl."(aka: throw up) George said. "Oh, okay." I said. "Thanks." Brianna said. Then George walked away. "Come on, let's go find her." Brianna said. Then Brianna got a text from one of her other friends. Brianna looked at the text she got. "I have to take this Ariel." Brianna said. "No problem. I'll go look for Kira myself and text you later. Okay?" I asked. "Sure, thanks." Brianna said before walking away. I found Kira in one of the girls restrooms. "Kira, what's going on? Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Just give me a minute." Kira said. She got up. "Kira, have you been throwing up?" I asked. "Yeah, I think it's food poisoning or something." Kira said. "But if you had food poisoning you wouldn't be able to move right now. Could it be a stomach bug?" I asked. "Maybe. Anyway my mom already scheduled a doctor appointment this afternoon to get it checked out. So you don't need to worry." Kira said. Then we checked the time and we headed to our science class.

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