Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 4

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Welcome to Seabrook! We are a perfectly planned community. We all have perfect homes! Perfect clothes, the perfect life.


Yep everything is perfect! Until it wasn't.


Who would've thought that an accident involving lime soda would set off the apocalypse?


And when the contaminated green haze blew west people were not happy.


Because it turned them into Zombies...


But now we are all united as Humans, Zombies, Werewolves and our newest addition Aliens.


We now welcome everyone who is new and us older ones have now graduated highschool and are now focusing on college. Here is how it is going so far...

Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 4

-Brecklynn's Pov-

Hey, I'm Brecklynn! Welcome to Seabrook, the most unperfect town you will see. Us Humans, Zombies, Werewolves, and Aliens all get along now and have no hard feelings towards each other. A couple months ago we found out my sister Addi was an Alien. It was a big change but we are all pretty much used to it now. We also graduated Highschool and are now in college.

Everything is way more stressful but worth it. I have most of my classes with my best friend Wyatt. We also luckily have the same lunch with all of our other friends. I am still trying to adjust to college life. It is way harder than highschool. Me and Addi are twins but I am sadly not an alien. It makes sense though because we are not identical.

Right now I am currently in my English class writing an essay that I can't slack on now because they actually read the essay instead of just putting a grade on it. They did that a lot in highschool. It's hard but I guess I have to do it because I will need it in the future. Actually I highly doubt that. I am fighting to keep my eyes open because I am bored out of my mind and have a lack of sleep from the stress of homework.

The bell finally rang after what felt like hours for lunch. I ran through the halls trying to get to the cafeteria as fast as I could to see my friends and to get food because I am starving. Let me tell you college cafeteria food is so much better than high school food.

I got my food and sat at my usual table where I always sit with my friends and sister. I usually sit in between Addi and Wyatt. I was the first one here so I started eating my food quietly until I heard my best friend's voice behind me.

W: "How do you always get here so fast! I always try to beat you but never can. I don't know why because I can run faster than everyone here!"

I laugh then respond to Wyatt.

B: "Wyatt when I am hungry I go beast mode... You know this."

W: "I know I know!"

He says while sitting down. Everyone slowly but surely made their way over to the table. We all chatted for a while about Christmas break because Christmas is almost here finally! Addison and Zed have talked about a lot of dates because they haven't been able to go on much with all the school work they have had. Yes they are still going strong and definitely the cutest couple to exist.

I, on the other hand, don't have a boyfriend. I don't have a crush on anyone either... Ok that was a lie. I have a crush on Wyatt. Yes, my best friend. I know that's bad but I can't help it when he is good looking and the sweetest guy on this earth. We know each other better than anyone else. When I'm not feeling good or having an off day he knows how to cheer me up in an instant. Ugh this is bad but also great.

I must have zoned out because Wyatt was trying to get my attention for who knows how long.

W: "B... B..."

B: "Yea what?"

I say coming back from zoning out.

W: "You zoned out... Are you good?"

He asks me concern written all over his face.

B: "Yea I'm good! Thanks for looking out for me Wy!"

W: "No problem, that's what friends are for."

That word hurts my heart but it's true all we ever will be is friends. The bell rang and we were now heading off to class. Me and Wyatt walked together because our last two classes of the day were the same.

-The end of the day-

I am currently in my dorm room working on the mountain of homework I have. I mean are they trying to kill me!? After I finished my stack of homework I texted Wyatt to see if he wanted to hangout a little bit before we had to go to bed. He did say yes so we are going to walk around campus for a little while just to get fresh air and unwind a little bit.

-Time skip to when they are walking around campus-

W: "How has school been for you?"

B: "Very stressful. I am definitely learning a lot more than I did in high school though."

W: "Same, the curriculum is honestly way better."

We chatted for a long time about random things until we heard a lot of screaming. We turned around to see the school up in flames. My mind was racing with questions. Me and Wyatt watched as the flames spread to the dorm rooms.I had some pretty valuable stuff in there so I was freaking out a little bit. I could tell he was too. Then in my brain it clicked that we needed to go check on our friends and make sure they were safe.

B: "Wyatt we need to find our friends and make sure they are ok and safe!"

W: "Yea come on!"

We then turned around fast and ran.. This is crazy. I never thought college would turn out like this. I wonder if they are going to have us go to a different school or just send us home and have us do it online. I guess we will have to wait and see...Oh man this is a crazy year. 

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