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I decided to turn around to tell the others that we should probably go so we don't ruin this date. When I turned around I was shocked this surprise wasn't for some random girl it was for me...

-Brecklynn's Pov-

Let's just say when I turned around I was shocked. So shocked in fact that I started crying. Not sad tears but extremely happy tears.

W: "You didn't think this surprise was for someone else did you?"

Wyatt says standing there holding a bouquet of flours in his hands. When he said that I ran so fast into his arms you don't even know. He didn't even hesitate to pick me up and spin me around. He then gave me a long passionate kiss that was long overdue.

B: "You are finally back."

I whisper into his shoulder.

W: "I don't plan on leaving for a long time either."

B: "Oh thank goodness because I wasn't ever going to let you leave again."

I say laughing through my tears. He then laughs and says.

W: "And I believe that"

We hug for the longest time and finally pull away.

B: "How did you even get this done so fast it's only like 11:30... and I woke up at like 9:30."

W: "Well you see... I had a lot of help from that group over there."

He says pointing to our group of friends who were watching us very intently. I just laughed and hugged Wyatt again. Oh my gosh I am so happy he is here.

W: "Shall we get to our date now?"

B: "Yes we shall!"

We sat down and started eating and goofing around. I always have the best time with Wyatt. He makes me so happy. I want to marry him one day. Hopefully in the future.

W: "I have a gift for you!"

B: "Wyatt, you already give me so much you didn't have to get me a gift."

W: "Nah I had to get you this gift."

He pulled out a ring box out of his pocket. My eyes went wide as he got on one knee. Oh my gosh did I just freaking guess the future... Woah Oh my gosh we just got into a relationship what...

B: "Woah Wyatt we just got into a relationship. Don't get me wrong I want to marry you one day but this is very soon-"

W: "B chill I'm not proposing... This is a promise ring because I promise to be here for you and promise that one day I will marry you. I will put you before everything because I love you more than anything."

B: "Aw Wyatt this is adorable thank you so much!"

I say while giving him a soft kiss. He then stands up and puts the ring on my finger. I then hug him because I love this dude. Also don't get me wrong I definitely want to marry him I am just not quite ready yet.

Everyone else eventually left. I think they think that Wyatt proposed to me because I saw them all gasping. They are going to be disappointed when they find out that we didn't get engaged. We finished up our date and had an amazing time. I love these dates. They are fun and we get to catch up. Wyatt told me everything that was going on and I am glad he could go back to seabrook and help out. He may seem scary but he really just has a huge heart. I am so glad he is safe and nothing happened because if something happened that would be really hard to deal with.

The whole time Wyatt was gone I never saw Mal. It's suspicious but I am not going to worry about it too much. I have gotten to know Carlos better and we have become pretty good friends too. Izzy and him like eachother but won't admit it. I have been trying to set them up on a date but I have had no luck. I am going to try and have Wyatt help me now that he is here. I told him about it on our date and I think we came up with a pretty good plan. Also Ben really likes Mal. He knows her pretty well and she seems nice towards him. I will probably talk to Mal once I see her again to sort things out.

Evie is so sweet, me and her have become best friends as well. She has helped me around campus a lot and we bond very well. Everything is getting back to normal. We have had updates on the school and the building is coming along. Apparently the fire was a lot less worse than we thought. They are already almost done with the building. I am extremely sad because I love it here. I have friendships here that if we go back they probably won't last because they won't be able to visit as often and living in Auradon has been a dream and I really don't want to leave but I guess we will have to one day.

We made it back to my dorm and everyone is in the living room sitting down looking bored out of their minds. When we walked in everyone jumped out of their seats so fast and started bombarding us with questions.



B: "Woah chill no we didn't get engaged it's just a promise ring..."

W: "Yea not yet maybe in a year or two. We haven't even been together that long."

I: "Aw I was really hoping you guys got engaged so I could plan a huge wedding."

We all just laughed and talked the rest of the night. These are the nights that I love more than anything. I wish it could last like this forever...

Are we meant to be? [A Wyatt Lykensen Story]Where stories live. Discover now