Finally/I wasn't expecting that!?

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-Brecklynn's Pov-

We all made it to the picnic spot where we were going to be eating lunch all together. Everyone was already here. Also, it never gets cold in Auradon. This is literally paradise.

A: "Well it looks like you two made up and are best friends again!"

B: "Yup! Also everyone, this is Izzy we became friends during class. She is King Ben's sister and she will be joining us today!"

Eliza: "Well it's nice to meet you and welcome to our crazy friend group!"

I: "I'm part of the friend group now?"

Z: "Obviously you seem cool and anyone friends with Brecklynn and Wyatt are our friends as well!"

I: "Thank you! I honestly really appreciate it!"

A: "No problem, it's also a plus because we all love making new friends anyways!"

We sit down, start eating, talking and laughing our heads off. Izzy is already fitting in perfectly. I am pretty glad I met her. She is super nice!

W: "Want me to grab you a water?"

B: "Yes please!"

W: "Ok!"

He says while standing up, He then goes to the water cooler and grabs both waters. He then brings it over and hands it to me.

B: "Thanks babe!"

I say while pecking him on the lips.

W: "Your Welcome!"

I then opened my water and drank it casually.

A: "Nuh uh no way finally! You guys made up as more than best friends OH MY GOSH!"

Z: "Why didn't you guys tell us!?"

Bree: "Ok I was not expecting that I didn't even know they liked each other."

W: "We didn't tell you guys considering the fact that we just made it official last night."

I: "I can confirm that it did happen last night because I was with her when Wyatt took her from me."

We all laughed and talked the rest of the time because everyone wanted all the details. We then all eventually separated ways to go do our own thing. Izzy went back to the castle because she had royale business to attend to. I have no idea where everyone else went though. Me and Wyatt decided to explore a little bit so we walked around hand in hand around the beautiful forest.

-A day later-

I am currently walking the halls because I have nothing better to do because Wyatt had to go back to seabrook for a little while because there was something wrong with the wolves so he had to go to the wolf den. I have no idea when he will be back so I have to find something else to do while he is gone. I was walking in the halls when I ran into Ben walking around too.

Ben: "Oh hey Brecklynn what are you doing just wandering around?"

B: "Nothing really. I am bored because Wyatt had to go back to Seabrook for a while."

Ben: "Oh dang that sucks I am sorry! Also I never have asked but are you and Wyatt a thing or just best friends?"

B: "Yea we are, we just became a thing a couple days ago actually! We were best friends but didn't realize we had feelings for eachother locked up inside!"

Ben: "That's awesome! Sorry that was so random, I am just curious."

B: "Oh no you're totally fine I understand!"

Ben and I ended up talking for a long time after that, finding out we have a lot in common. We became friends instantly and I think we are going to be bestfriends one day! I called Izzy and asked if she wanted to hangout for a little. She said yes and said she would meet me outside by the picnic spots.

I waited a couple minutes and she finally showed up. She started showing me a couple things that I didn't know existed. She then told me the lake Wyatt took me too was called the enchanted lake. It is honestly the most beautiful lake I have ever seen. As we were walking we got on the topic of boys...

I: "Hey can I tell you something no one knows and can you keep a secret?"

B: "Yes of course and my lips will be sealed."

I: "Well I really like Carlos. We have become friends over time and I have developed feelings for him!"

B: "Oh my gosh that is so cute I could totally see you guys being a thing! Also my lips are sealed. I won't tell anyone!"

I: "Ok thank you so much!"

B: "No problem! I also have wanted to get to know Carlos more. He seems cool and I could honestly see us being friends. I know him and Wyatt have become pretty good friends over time! I can ask Wyatt if he knows anything if you want?"

I: "I would love that! I give you permission to tell Wyatt and only Wyatt about my crush on Carlos because I trust you two a lot! Also when he comes back of course whenever that is"

B: "Ok I will make sure he doesn't when he gets back of course!"

We laughed and talked for the rest of the night. She also came into me and Addis dorm for a girls night not thinking about guys at all. We laughed and talked about things that were going on and overall just had a really good time. The next morning I woke up refreshed and ready for the day. Then I started thinking about Wyatt. I don't think he is going to be back in time for Christmas. I guess there is always next year...

Are we meant to be? [A Wyatt Lykensen Story]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ