He's Mine!

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-Brecklynn's Pov-

I am currently in class when a girl that I haven't talked to before turned to me and started talking to me.

????: "Hi! You must be one of the new freshmen! I'm Izzy, daughter of Bell and Beast. King Ben is my older brother!"

B: "Hi, it's nice to meet you! I'm Brecklynn!"

I say while giving her a warm smile. We ended up talking for the rest of class. We found out we had a lot in common and a lot of the same classes. We became friends pretty fast. We exchanged numbers and I invited her to sit with us at lunch but she couldn't make it because her parents had a family meeting during lunch. I'm already making friends though which is amazing. I love it here already!

-After school-

Me and Izzy were walking to my dorm to hangout when someone came up from behind me and picked me up, scaring the crap out of me. I screamed so loud.

W: "Chill, it's just me!"

B: "Wyatt don't do that to me you gave me a heart attack!"

I say wacking him in the chest.

W: "Ok I'm sorry!"

He says while laughing.

B: "Anyways Wyatt this is Izzy she is Ben's younger sister!"

W: "Nice to meet you! I'm Wyatt!"

He says while shaking her hand.

I: "It's nice to meet you! Are you guys together?"

She asks as my eyes go wide

B: "No No No we are not"

W: "Not yet at least."

I looked over at Wyatt really fast and confused.

B: "What?"

I ask

W: "Nothing... Anyways Izzy can I steal Brecklynn from you for a little bit."

I: "Ya of course! I'll see you later Brecklynn"

B: "Cya!"

I then turn around and look at Wyatt then smile at him.

B: "And what do you need me for?"

W: "You will see..."

He says while grabbing my hand and guiding me somewhere. We were walking and talking until we came across a really really pretty lake with a little gazebo in the middle of it.

B: "Woah Wyatt this is beautiful!"

I say while hugging him.

W: "I am glad you like it. Come on!"

He says while grabbing my hand and guiding us to the gazebo where there is a beautiful picnic set up. We then sat down and started eating and laughing about really stupid stuff.

W: "So I brought you here to ask you a very important question. Now that we both have admitted to liking each other, will you be my girlfriend?"

B: "Yes of course!"

He howled then picked me up spun be around and gave me a soft sweet kiss. Oh my gosh I'm dating my best friend. I don't even think Addi and Zed know that we made up... Oh well guess they will find out soon...

-The next day-

I was running through the halls trying to find Izzy because it is finally Christmas break and I needed to tell her all about me and Wyatt. I was running until I ran right into someone but they caught me before I fell on the floor. I looked up to see it was Wyatt who caught me.

W: "Woah babe where are you going in such a rush?"

B: "Oh I was just looking around for Izzy. Sorry for running into you but thank you for catching me."

I say with a huge grin on my face then standing up and wrapping my arms around his neck.

W: "No problem, I am just glad it was me who caught you and no one else."

He said with a smirk. I just rolled my eyes and laughed. He was leaning in to give me a kiss until someone had to ruin it.

M: "Um, what are you doing with my boyfriend?"

Mal asks as she walks up to us.

W: "Um Mal we are not dating. I told you I didn't like you."

B: "Mal please leave me and my BOYFRIEND alone. He is mine, sorry."

I say to her emphasizing the word boyfriend.

M: "Yours...he is yours... I think he is mine actually!"

W: "Mal I am sorry but I am not yours. I am Brecklynn's so please leave."

M: "Ugh fine whatever."

She then storms off looking extremely mad. Wyatt then looks down at me and I give him a smile thinking about what he said.

B: I lo-

I then shut my mouth freaking out that I almost just said I love you... I mean I do love him but we just got together yesterday that would have been bad.

W: "What were you going to say?"

B: "Nothing..."

W: "Alright I am just going to say it. I love you Brecklynn. I know that we just got together yesterday but fell in love with you a long time ago. I am not afraid to say it.

B: "I love you too... And I fell in love with you a long time ago too."

We shared a short kiss and then started walking down the hall with his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

B: "So you're mine huh?"

I ask him with a huge smirk on my face.

W: "Hey you are the one who said it first."

He said in defense I just laughed and laid my head on his shoulder as we walked down the hall to find Izzy.

-A couple minutes later-

B: "Izzy there you are, I have been looking for you!"

I: "Oh ya sorry Ben needed help with a couple of things so I decided to help him."

B: "You are totally fine but you know how you asked if me and Wyatt were dating yesterday. Well now I have an answer for you. We are dating, yesterday when he pulled me away and asked me to be his girlfriend."

I: "Oh my gosh that's awesome! Congrats you guys!"

W: "Thank you, we appreciate it a lot!"

B: "Yea thank you we really do! Anyways, we were wondering if you wanted to join us and our friends for lunch!"

I: "I would love it too!"

B: "Cool, come on let's go!"

We are off to lunch. I honestly wish we could go to this school forever. I love it overall well you know except for Mal but other than that it's amazing here! 

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